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Here's Why Forward Thinking Businesses Are Using The 20-Minute Marketing Method

The 20 Minute Marketing Method Makes B2B Lead Gen Simple, Easy, and Fast

Good news! Open Enrollment Is Soon!!

The doors will open for a new cohort of members on January 22, 2024. Join the waitlist now to get priority access.

Scroll Down to See How Successful Entrepreneurs Are Using This Groundbreaking Method

Success Story

How Mark Left The Corporate World to Start His Own Business

Want to see results like MARK?
The 20 Minute Marketing Method opens for public enrollment on January 22nd, 2024.

From Zero to 13 Retainer Clients In 120 Days

“I knew every company or firm needed this service… I always knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur and run my own business, but I never had a product to sell and didn’t know what service I wanted to provide.”

Mark McIntosh // RevGrow

After years as a sales director for a Public CPA Firm, Mark McIntosh had decided to start his own business.

Having spent most of his career as a self-prescribed “bean-counter” and then more recently transitioning into a non-equity partner role, he thought consulting would be a good route for him to pursue. But what service would he provide exactly, and how would he get clients?

As he searched for answers to those questions, his new consulting business, RevGrow, was born! As he was starting out, he tried everything to generate new business.

“Thousands of emails, thousands of Cold Calls. I just knew there had to be a better way.”

While he saw some results, he knew that he was leaving so much on the table. It was about that time that he came across the 20-Minute Client Formula strategy.

As he was becoming an expert at the system, he started following our processes and began by reaching out to his existing network..

“I was able to sell the lead generation services to many connections very quickly.”

Within 120 days of joining our program and starting his company, he grew his business from zero to 13 retainer clients with a full pipeline of leads in queue.

The systems create a steady flow of leads for his business and allow him to charge a premium service creating these systems for his clients.

The biggest benefit through all this is that because of the nature of the 20-Minute Client Formula, he has time freedom and can grow and scale a business without it taking over his life. He still is able to spend as much time as he wants to with his family.

Success Story

How A Sales Coach Added An Additional “Perfect Fit” Service Offer to Her Consulting Business

Want to see results like LORIANNE?
The 20 Minute Marketing Method opens for public enrollment on January 22nd, 2024.

Serving clients by meeting THEIR needs first

“I have 2 current clients right now that want to get onboard and possibly a third (in less than a month).”

Lorianne Reeves // Sales Consultant

How do you teach sales conversations when your clients don’t have enough leads?

Lorianne Reeves is a sales consultant and coach for businesses who want to dial in their sales process and close more deals.

There was a problem that she kept running into when working with her sales coaching clients.

Yes, they wanted more sales, but first they needed more leads. They simply needed more people to sell to in order to take full advantage of her high-quality sales coaching services.

In searching for ways to help her clients meet this need and provide a more one-stop service, Lorianne found the 20 Minute Marketing Method and quickly saw it could do just that and more.

It allowed her an effective way to help her clients fill their calendars with more sales opportunities that she could then coach them to through to close more sales.

The beauty of her approach is that not only was this service a perfect fit that her clients were grateful for, it’s an easy sell for Lorianne! 

As an extra revenue source, Lorianne was able to better help her clients, without taking her time away from her core offer of offering sales strategy.

Success Story

How to Be the Only Name Your Prospects Think of When They’re Ready to Buy

Want to see results like JOHN?
The 20 Minute Marketing Method opens for public enrollment on January 22nd, 2024.

The power of personalized outreach – at scale

“I've closed 2 clients and likely will have a 3rd soon… This has been like a godsend - the best money I've ever spent for my business.”

John McAlister // The Beringer Group

Most prospects aren't ready to buy on day one. But with this personalized outreach method, you can stay top of mind so they'll call you first when they are ready.

When it comes to nurturing leads and building relationships, most sales people give up before their prospects are even ready to buy. But when you’re a consistent presence in your prospects’ inbox, you stay at the top of their mind. 

That’s the power of taking a longer term approach and building trust over time. 

John McAlister, a succession planning consultant, understands this well. Instead of overcomplicating his outreach, he uses what he calls the “salt and pepper strategy”. He says, “That's all you need to make a steak taste great. And for my campaigns, the salt and pepper is just sharing good, educational content (videos or blogs) with my ideal clients every 3-4 weeks.” 

And thanks to his consistent approach, he’s seen great results. “I've closed 2 clients and likely will have a 3rd soon. With the clients I typically work with [business owners of companies doing $50 mil to $1 bil annual revenue], 4-5 new clients in a full calendar year is a great year. This has been like a godsend - the best money I've ever spent for my business.”

By staging in touch with your audience and offering value consistently, you position yourself as the go-to expert. So when they’re finally ready to make a decision, you’re the first person they think of. 

The key to success like John is to have consistent, long-term sequences that nurture your audience over time. And that’s what the 20 Minute Marketing Method will help you achieve.

Success Story

How Jim Closed Over $24K in Client Contracts In Less Than 60 Days

Want to see results like JIM?
The 20 Minute Marketing Method opens for public enrollment on January 22nd, 2024.

$24,000+ from just 2 retainer clients

"I currently have two active clients through your program just a couple months in. One has retained me on a 6-month program at $2500 monthly. My second client… paid an $11,000 upfront retainer for four months of group coaching."

Jim McSherry

Jim wanted to start a business that gave him time freedom, allowed a profitable revenue stream, and provided real value for his clients.

And he wanted to shorten his learning curve so that he could see momentum quickly.

After following the 20 Minute Marketing Method, within a month, he was able to retain his first two clients.

“I currently have two active clients through your program just a couple of months in. One has retained me on a 6-month program at $2500 monthly. My second client is a company I’m simply providing group coaching to on this system to start. They have paid an $11,000 upfront retainer for four months of group coaching.” 

Very quickly he was able to land two long-term retainer clients paying over $24,000 upfront to get started. With more on the way. 

Jim utilized our system, methodology and services as a base offer and then added his own group coaching services to the mix.

Having the 20 Minute Marketing Method as a model allowed him not only the means to get his own clients, but also the ability to service them with marketing and lead generation service very quickly.

Having proof of concept that this approach works, Jim is confident he can grow his business to greater heights in the coming months. Jim now has a business model that helps him manage his own lead generation efforts, but also handles the fulfillment of his client services.

This win-win situation for Jim and his clients allows him peace of mind as he grows that most business owners only dream of.

Success Story

How a Business & Life Coach Consistently Attracts New Clients and Built a New Revenue Stream within Her Existing Business

Want to see results like JEN?
The 20 Minute Marketing Method opens for public enrollment on January 22nd, 2024.

An extra source of income in just 20 minutes per day

“I consistently convert clients from Connect 365 and LinkedIn… Some are converting from long-term nurture sequences that have been ongoing, but with the social media outreaches others have jumped onboard lately.”

Jen Gaudet // Business Coach

For over a year Jen Gaudet, a business and life coach, has used our premium email outreach automation software along with LinkedIn to find and convert clients.

Adding a social media component to warm up her prospects with our done-for-you social media system has helped her close even more.

When we first released the 20 Minute Marketing Method, we turned to our existing clients. Many, like Jen, tried it out with great success!

In Jen’s case, she first used our system to level-up her current lead generation process. It allows her to further systematize and automate her whole marketing approach so that it takes even less time to put together nurture campaigns, connect with prospects, and bring them to a sales call.

What’s more, she added the lead generation service to her current coaching offerings.

This has given her an extra source of income, while at the same empowering her with more ways to give value to her clients.

The best part about this system is that it doesn’t distract from her primary service offerings or take up all her time, whether she uses it for her own lead generation or on behalf of her clients.

The 20 Minute Marketing Method is truly that - a system that takes 20 minutes or less per day to implement on her client’s behalf!

Success Story

How Henri Launched His Marketing System in Just 11 Days… and Had New Clients Within Weeks

Want to see results like HENRI?
The 20 Minute Marketing Method opens for public enrollment on January 22nd, 2024.

4 new clients just weeks after getting certified

“How have things changed? One, there’s a lot more opportunity now with virtual business development, and, two, we have to work differently to build those relationships online.”

Henri Schauffler

Henri Schauffler has worked with business owners for a long time and has garnered a reputation for providing valuable services to help them grow their businesses.

He’s learned that most professionals and coaches have something wonderful to share, but many struggle to get it out there – the “sales and marketing thing.”

Due to the pandemic, Henri needed to change his business from an in person business to a virtual one. As he put it…

“Before, many of us made business relationships in-person – networking groups, referrals. Starting or continuing our sales process in person at our client’s office. In March 2020, it all changed…Those of us who could keep our businesses had to find a way totally online, right?

Interestingly, I don’t think it’s ever going to return to the way it used to be. So how have things changed? One, there’s a lot more opportunity now with virtual business development, and, two, we have to work differently to build those relationships online. Many prospects are still going to expect it, even though we still might deliver our services locally.”

Henri realized that he needed a way to help his clients with lead generation online - without sacrificing the trust-building that’s inherent when doing business in person. After hearing about the 20 Minute Marketing Method, he got certified in our processes in just 11 days, launched his campaigns, and booked four new clients shortly thereafter.

He’s found a way to not only find clients for himself, but it also takes Henri very little time to find those clients and provide his services to them!

Very quickly, he was able to create a new revenue stream that offers substantial revenue potential… and allows him more time to focus on other things in life, too.

Success Story

The Social Media Boomerang Strategy that Drives Sales for B2B Professionals

Want to see results like JOHN, MYLES, and JANINE?
The 20 Minute Marketing Method opens for public enrollment on January 22nd, 2024.

A nearly “passive” social strategy that works

“I did literally nothing yet I gained a (potential) client… all of this is due to the process, which I am extremely grateful for.”

John Weaver // Commercial Lender

These consultants, coaches, service providers, and agencies, are leveraging their social presence to drive MORE sales, in LESS time.

Our clients – from business coaches to commercial lenders – have seen a dramatic shift in their lead generation and client engagement using a powerful strategy we call the Social Media Boomerang. 

Instead of paying for expensive ads – or getting stuck on the content creation hamster wheel – this strategy combines targeted outreach with strategic social media posting. And it creates a dynamic, results-driven approach that’s both cost-effective and time-efficient. 

Take John Weaver, a commercial lender. John experienced firsthand the power of the boomerang campaign to bring in new clients “passively.” John said, “Due to my posts, I had a LinkedIn contact message me, without realizing that we had connected before, and ask about engaging my services for a loan. This is a win because I did literally nothing yet I gained a (potential) client; all of this is due to the process, which I am extremely grateful for.” 

And Myles Saulibio, founder of App Depths, found that boosting his online visibility directly translated into real-word gains. “Something incredible is happening with my content... you can see the increased views and engagements in just this past week… it's led to 3 BOOKED

calls with ideal prospects as well!” And these are posts that take Myles just minutes each day to create. 

Meanwhile, Janine Bolon, a personal finance coach, focused on the email automation part of the strategy to not only generate leads but also enhance her professional reputation. She said that, “Within days of using the training I had 23 requests for a phone call with prospects. I have people

reaching out to me rather than the other way around. This is a nice change of pace. Folks are also more aware of the books I've written and the work I do.” Before using this strategy, she didn’t even know how to find her clients on LinkedIn, even though she knew they were there. 

By combining consistent, top-of-mind posting with strategic outreach, these B2B professionals didn’t simply chase leads… They attracted them, using our proven framework for success. That’s the beauty of the 20 Minute Marketing Method. It requires less effort and time on your part, but it delivers more qualified prospects.

Success Story

How Douglas Landed Double-Digit Retainer Clients and Built a Growing Company

Want to see results like DOUGLAS?
The 20 Minute Marketing Method opens for public enrollment on January 22nd, 2024.

An in-demand service is easy to sell.

“Good news - I signed up a new client today. That's five that I have signed up. I am working on onboarding them this week.”

Douglas Campbell // Business Coach

Douglas has spent over a decade helping business owners live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.

A big part of that is helping them be successful in business as well as at home. He's done this through improving their systems and helping build relationships with potential clients. The 20 Minute Marketing Method was a natural fit.

We were in touch with Douglas every step of the way as he got certified in offering lead generation and as he started to get clients.

He liked the idea of using a service that’s in demand, one that he was confident that businesses  would need. And that he would be able to help them in a valuable way.

Another benefit of a systematized service like this is that the fulfillment for each new client takes a fraction of the time most people expect. He wrote to us when he closed his first clients,

then two more… 

“Confirmed 2 new clients today, now have 4 agency clients.”

And shortly afterward we got this from him:

“Good news - I signed up a new client today. That's five that I have signed up. I am working on onboarding them this week.”

Douglas saw an opportunity to truly create a business from the ground up around the model we taught. He now has double-digit retainer clients and has even built a team to help deliver more services to help his clients grow their businesses.

Success Story

How Billy Went from Searching For A Business Idea to 7 Clients Within 90 Days

Want to see results like BILLY?
The 20 Minute Marketing Method opens for public enrollment on January 22nd, 2024.

How one business consultant got 7 new clients in 2 months (with 3 more ready to sign)

“This program completely changed my life. This system is so nice; it’s easy to bring on other people who can easily adopt the system. I have two people who help me with the day-today. My next hire is probably gonna be someone to help me with sales calls so I can stay focused on the big picture as I continue to grow.”

Billy Fetzner // Business Consultant

Billy Fetzner was searching for a business idea for the better part of a year, jumping around from one idea to another.

All he knew was that he wanted to help people and businesses working in climate change and helping the environment but he just didn’t know how.

During that time he was helping friends and family with their businesses - they needed clients and he was giving them a hand. In researching how to better help them, he came across our lead generation system that we teach.

Almost instantly, everything fell into place!

Not only did he use it to help his friends and family get new clients - he also saw it as a viable business opportunity that would realistically bring in real revenue for himself and allow him to help the exact businesses he wanted to work with.

“When the system came around I thought, ‘This is perfect!’ This is exactly what I need for my friends and family, but I can also build an entire business off of this where I can help the people I want to help.”

“I can use this to help those businesses who are trying to change the world and trying to thrive. I can also thrive myself, while feeling that I can make a change in the world.”

Within a month, he landed two clients:

“There is huge potential within your current network that you already have. I initially didn't think that anyone in my previous contacts would be interested in my work. However, I changed my headline, LinkedIn profile and just started talking to people about what I do. It is amazing the results you can find in your current network even before doing outreach.”

Within two months, he had 7 clients, with 3 more about to sign.

Success Story

How One Business Consultant Filled His Calendar With Sales Calls... After Reaching Out To Fewer Than 50 Prospects!

Want to see results like PAUL?
The 20 Minute Marketing Method opens for public enrollment on January 22nd, 2024.

Unlocking the power of strategic referral partnerships

“I actually got an initial 50 connections, and from these 50 first emails sent out.  I have had 10 replies within the first 2 days… this is actually a better return than I was expecting, which is great so far!”

Paul Cooper // Clearstone Business Services

Create a massive “center of influence” that drives more referrals. 

While many of our clients are B2B, and they're selling to professionals or specific types of companies, we have many others who sell directly to consumers. For example,  real estate, financial advisors, and other business owners sell to a specific type of consumer that's looking for a particular service.

It doesn’t always make sense for these businesses to target specific individuals who are looking for their products or services. Instead, it can be more effective to connect with influencers or strategic partners who provide complementary services to your ideal customers. 

Because those relationships can lead to a steady stream of high-quality referrals. 

Take Paul Cooper, for example. He wanted to grow his finance consultancy through meaningful connections with strategic partners. Rather than trying to reach people en masse, Paul targeted professionals and businesses who could refer his ideal clients to him. 

Each of these relationships was a powerful lever to connect with tens, hundreds, or even thousands of Paul’s prospects. And using our 20 Minute Marketing Method, he was able to fill his calendar after reaching out to just 50 targeted connections. 

As Paul said, “I've made a good start with targeting referral partners and I have had a great response to my first email that I have sent out from Connect 365.

I actually got an initial 50 connections, and from these 50 first emails sent out I have had IO replies within the first 2 days and have now set up 8 Zoom calls from this for next week. So at this very initial stage this is actually a better return than I was expecting, which is great so far!

With his growing list of referral partners, Paul is nurturing a network that will continue to bring him quality leads.

Success Story

How Susie's Agency Increased Their Average Revenue Per Client and Delivered Greater Results

Want to see results like SUSIE?
The 20 Minute Marketing Method opens for public enrollment on January 22nd, 2024.

Over $7,500 per month in new business

“Since starting with the process a couple of months back, I quickly added 3 brand-new clients (each paying over $2500 a month). We've also upsold some of our previous customers into this new service line.”

Susie Kelley // Marketing Agency Owner

Susie Kelley was running a marketing agency that by all accounts was going well…

But they were looking for new ways to add revenue… and came across our system.

It was an interesting option to Susie and her associates because it complimented their current service offerings, and they knew they could sell it as an upsell, or on its own. 

Quickly, they realized that the proof was in the pudding, as it put their team on pace to add over 6 figures to their annual revenue…

“Since starting with the process a couple months back, I quickly added 3 brand-new clients (each paying over $2500 a month). 

We've also upsold some of our previous customers into this new service line…

Adding your process of lead generation to our service line has generated a lot of interest from our existing customers and increased our average revenue per client pretty significantly.”

New retainer clients, higher revenue per client with her current clients, and all without taking up bandwidth and attention from their other services.

Susie saw that the model offered a significant revenue boost while still maintaining time freedom within her business.

Success Story

How John Used This Method To Get Bigger Clients and Bigger Retainers

Want to see results like JOHN?
The 20 Minute Marketing Method opens for public enrollment on January 22nd, 2024.

Making in-roads with 7-figure businesses

“I've got two new clients. I'm charging between $1500-2000 per month as a starting point, which is a decent retainer for my business, and it's a good stepping stone in the direction that we want to go in the future.”

John McGarry // Advertising Business Owner

John McGarry had been running a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising business for a few years before he came across the 20 Minute Marketing Method.

After getting certified in just one month, he now had an additional service he could offer his clients to help them land more appointments with the leads of their dreams. One that allowed him an opportunity to:

  • Upsell his clients, offering an additional lead generation service…

  • Give his clients more options to close more business opportunities…

  • Use in his own business to get bigger clients and better retainers…

John says:

“I got trained up and certified in these systems relatively quickly - within a month.

And it's allowed me to get my foot in the door with much bigger clients than I was originally targeting with my PPC business. Now I'm making in-roads with companies that are doing 7 figures in revenue each year.

I've got two new clients. I'm charging between $1500-2000 per month as a starting point, which is a decent retainer for my business, and it's a good stepping stone in the direction that we want to go in the future.”

Success Story

How Barb Helped Her Client Close 10 New Clients… with 30 Waiting To Come On Board

Want to see results like BARB?
The 20 Minute Marketing Method opens for public enrollment on January 22nd, 2024.

From “technophobe” to lead-generating machine

“Within our first couple months of working the new system the client took on 10 new customers… and he capped it there because he was a one-man band. Now he has like 30 more customers waiting in the wings…”

Barb Williams

Barb Williams is an excellent example of how a strong strategy (one that is systematized and automated) allows for both flexibility and business growth.

“Prior to joining the program everything I would try seemed harder and harder to actually grow my business or those of my clients. We were trying advertising, direct mail, and even newspaper advertising, which is really obsolete and was costing us a fortune.”

She really felt the pain that most business owners feel when they spend a lot of money trying to figure something out.

And as a self-admitted technophobe, she was hesitant to start learning a new software and system. 

Once she started using the system things changed for her AND for her clients. She was able to see how simple our team has been able to make the process and automation tools.

“I started using your systems with a previous client of mine. And within our first couple months of working the new system, the client took on 10 new customers… and he capped it there because he was a one-man band. Now he has like 30 more customers waiting in the wings that really want to come on, and he's hiring more people to help with the demand.”

Now she and her clients have the problems that any business owner would love: They have more demand than they can fulfill!

“It's a good problem to have and one that was made possible for my client by following your teachings and systems. Once I got started with it, I pretty quickly had 12 people in my network getting in touch to discuss how I could help them in their lead-generation efforts.

Tremendous growth has come to my business, my marketing philosophy, and the outcomes I help my clients get as a result of the program.”

Success Story

How One Agency Cracked the Code to Get More Conversations with High-Ticket Clients

Want to see results like AARON?
The 20 Minute Marketing Method opens for public enrollment on January 22nd, 2024.

A conversational approach that warms up even the coldest leads

“This system has been one of my most effective marketing and sales investments to date.”

Aaron Agius // Louder Online

Louder Online was struggling to reach their best target clients through cold outreach.

Aaron Agius’s agency primarily works with executives of large, multinational firms. And with such a busy, in-demand audience, he had little luck pitching his services directly. Their inboxes were flooded daily with inquiries and half-baked offers. 

And Aaron understood that relationships still matter, especially when you’re trying to get the attention (and business) of busy executives. So he created an interview series featuring marketing executives and thought leaders – in other words, his target clientele. 

By asking these professionals to be part of his series, Aaron provided them value and fostered a reciprocal bond between them and his agency. He then used strategic questions in the interviews to uncover pain points that he could potentially solve, and he avoided pushing solutions immediately. 

Instead, he built relationships over time and paved the way for a sales discussion in the near future. 

The result? Aaron’s audience became much more receptive to taking calls after feeling valued and having a relationship established through the interview process. And it was all possible because Aaron could nurture his prospects quickly and easily with the 20 Minute Marketing Method. 

“We've used this system for structured messaging campaigns to our BEST target clients. The people we've struggled in the past to resonate with through cold outreach. 

That all changed when we started following this system... This system has been one of my most effective marketing and sales investments to date.”

By thinking just a little outside the box, Aaron was able to leverage our conversational approach to marketing and unlock an in-road with Louder Online’s ideal prospects.

Success Story

How a Brand-New Business Was Able to Onboard 8 New Clients… Almost Overnight

Want to see results like THERESA?
The 20 Minute Marketing Method opens for public enrollment on January 22nd, 2024.

A brand-new business that steadily generates new clients

“Winning today! I have three contacts I reached out to because they posted something about one of their pain points and all accepted and are interesting talking!” (They all became clients)

Theresa Allen

Theresa Allen had a few key goals in mind when looking for new and effective marketing strategies…

She wanted to run her own business, she wanted to provide a service that actually helped her clients see results, AND she wanted consistent revenue and time freedom with her own work.

To achieve all that, she needed a great offer and a way to get clients. The 20 Minute Marketing Method achieved both by providing her a streamlined way to generate revenue (in half the time)... AND offer a service that would provide tangible sales opportunities for her clients.

When she saw our system and how it would help her get clients AND create an in-demand service that people are desperate for - she knew she had stumbled upon gold and made the decision to go forward.

As she was starting out, Theresa leveraged the systems we teach utilizing LinkedIn, email, and other social media. Here’s something she shared in the group that she was doing to garner initial interest in her services:

“Winning today! I have three contacts I reached out to because they posted something about one of their pain points – and all accepted…!”

As she completed the certification and set up the system, she started to really see momentum, with 8 clients in her first 90 days. She went from no business to a fully-fledged lead generation agency! 

The best part about it is that she gets impressive results for her clients, but she doesn’t have to work all day at it.