Connect 365

How to Use “Human Intelligence” To Get One Qualified Lead (Or More) EVERY Day -- GUARANTEED! 

This Simple System Fills Your Pipeline With Red-Hot Prospects And Converts Them Into Clients – It’s 99% Automated and Takes As Little As One Hour Per Month

Why People love working with us!

Bruce Browning Testimonial Headshots 400x400

Over $5,000,000 In Sales Over The Last 24 Months using This System

"I've generated over $5 million in sales over the last 24 months using
this system as my main tool to stay connected to clients and cold
prospects. I've been able to stay in front of my prospects in a much more
personal way and just focus on building relationships and sharing value
with my audience."


Gene Hicks

$600k In New contracts in 4 months

"I sell to executives at hospitals and health audience that
typically has long sales cycles. I knew that relationships were key from
my business and by following the system to build these relationships on
social media and email -
I've generated over $600k in new contracts in
just the last 4 months."

GENE HICKS // Extraordinary Solutions

This program completely changed my life

"This system is so nice; it’s easy to bring on other people who can easily adopt the system. I have two people who help me with the day-to-day. My next hire is probably gonna be someone to help me with sales calls so I can stay focused on the big picture as I continue to grow." Billy signed 10 clients in his first 90 days.

BILLY FETZNER // Green Business Impact

Imagine for a minute that you wake up EVERY morning… knowing for sure that there’s at least one, brand-new lead waiting for you in your LinkedIn account.

And not just any ‘ol leads -- I’m talking about quality prospects that often turn into lucrative sales appointments. Which means you never need to worry about where your next high-end client will come from… 

…and you have predictable income pouring into your bank account every single month. 

Better yet, imagine that you’re getting those results, without spending a dime on paid ads, figuring out complex software tools, or building complicated funnels. And imagine that it takes less than one hour a month… 

Because you have a proven, 99%-automated system that does almost all the work FOR YOU.

Imagine how quickly you’d increase your bottom line with a system like that in place. And how confident would you feel, knowing that you have a reliable way to grow your business consistently? 

Plus, once your lead gen is happening like clockwork, with almost NO involvement from you… 

Imagine how much more free time you’d have to focus on other areas of your business, so you can finally scale like you’ve been dreaming of. Imagine if you could spend less time stressing over where your revenue will come from… 

And more time at family BBQs, Saturday hikes, or taking that vacation to Hawaii you’ve been putting off.

Well, that’s exactly what my expert team would like to help you with…

I’ll tell you how in just a minute. But first, let’s take a step back and identify where things go off track for most entrepreneurs. 

Because most businesses are trying one of two things right now. They’re at opposite ends of the spectrum, but each of them have BIG problems.

First, many people are taking a more traditional route -- and trying to get by on referrals and word of mouth alone. 

They think it’ll be too complicated to automate their marketing, so they aren’t even trying. After all, referrals have worked for them up to this point… why try something different?

That’s a mistake, though. Because referrals can be unreliable and unpredictable.

Not only are you limited by someone else’s network, but you’re also at their mercy. So it’s a bit like playing roulette with your outreach… you never really know when your next prospect will come along.

That’s no way to grow a business.

The second thing people are trying is to lean heavily into using AI tools for marketing. They figure this will allow them to attract plenty of clients, while putting in little-to-no effort.

As you likely know, AI platforms (like ChatGPT) exploded in popularity over the last 10 months. And while AI can be a fantastic tool for business owners, with many uses, it isn’t a silver bullet. 

But right now, there are many “gurus” out there claiming it can essentially become your new marketing department. 

And that you can just push a few buttons on ChatGPT… have it craft all your marketing messaging within seconds… 

…and then just ‘plug’ that messaging in, sit back, drink coffee -- and watch the sales roll in. 

But in reality, that’s not how it works. 

See, while AI has its uses, it simply cannot capture emotions, nuances, and the ‘human touch’ your marketing needs.


You know how sometimes you read a message and it just feels… robotic? It lacks warmth and maybe seems a bit too perfect? That's how AI-driven marketing can often come across. So if you rely heavily on AI tools to market your business? 

It’s NOT likely to work out so well. 

Because your prospects are sharp. They WILL feel that lack of authenticity. And when they notice something’s off -- even if they can’t quite put their finger on it -- their guard goes up. 

They might even doubt that you’re a real person. 

They certainly won’t believe you can help them solve their problem(s) -- and they won’t want to work with you. 

Plus, the clients you do sign are also way more likely to be a HEADACHE to deal with… 

Since you haven’t built a relationship with them -- and they don’t actually know you.


That’s why, if you want to fill your pipeline with high-value leads each week… you must take a different approach. 

One that includes something we call “Human Intelligence.”

Every good marketing approach has this, and it’s made up of 3 different elements. 

I’ll tell you what those 3 things are in a second, but first let me quickly introduce myself, in case we haven’t met.

I’m Pat Henseler, the Co-founder and CEO of Connect 365. 

After building multiple 7-figure businesses from scratch, we discovered the hidden superpower to fast growth: having a predictable, reliable system to attract and convert prospects. One that always maintains a human touch.

And it all comes down to those 3 elements I mentioned…

the 3 elements every marketing approach needs to be successful

Get More Referrals


Get More Referrals


Get More Referrals


FAMILIARITY is essential because your prospects need to know who you are and what you can do for them. That means that you release relevant, memorable content on a regular basis. So they begin to associate your name with the outcomes you provide. 

And posting AI-generated content simply doesn’t cut it when it comes to building familiarity. 

Because it’s generic, impersonal -- and, frankly, easy to ignore. So it’s a great way NOT to stand out and get noticed by your ideal prospects.

Instead, making them familiar with you requires a more human approach. It isn’t enough just to be seen, though…

You also have to make genuine, personal CONNECTIONS with your prospects.

This helps them feel noticed and understood and it creates a genuine bond between you. A bond that makes it easier for them to say yes to your offers. (And one that can’t be faked by a chatbot.)

And finally, you must build and maintain TRUST

Without trust, prospects will never make the shift to become clients. So all of your outreach and marketing efforts should draw prospective clients closer to you. And they should never feel like they’ve been tricked or that you’re not a real person.

This is just one reason that using bot-generated marketing messages doesn’t work.  

The Good News

The good news is that you don’t have to reach everyone. If you’re looking to create familiarity, connection, and trust you just need to get the right message in front of your ideal prospects.

The BAD News

The bad news is that it can take a lot of time to find your ideal prospects. And it can take even more time to create familiarity, connection, and trust with them.

Unless you have a way to automate over 99% of the process, without sacrificing the human connections that make it all work.

The Solution

And that’s why we’ve created a system to get your message to the right people in a way that pulls them in instead of pushing them away. One that uses “Human Intelligence” and allows you to be seen, grow connections, and strengthen trust.

So you’re the FIRST person your prospects think of when they’re ready to buy.

And the cool thing is, it’s 100% possible to do that in a way that's mostly automated… and takes less than one hour a month. (Without handing your marketing over to unreliable AI tools…)

It’s called The 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline.

Why People love working with us!

Zero to twenty clients in a few months

"The system has allowed me to build a sequence of campaigns that educate like-minded people to take action. I started with zero and I have about 20 new customers and 4 recommendations on partnering since beginning a few months ago. The Lead Generator has become a significant marketing arm of my organization, like a member of my staff."

DIANE WELLS // Non-Profit

79.5% open rate and 4 proposal submissions sent out from my last campaign!

"We're just getting started but after trying other methods, The Lead Generator has produced the fastest and most scalable results so far! I've tried several programs to generate leads and nothing comes close to Connect 365. The ease and simplicity is amazing! 79.5% open rate and 4 proposal submissions sent out from my last campaign.

Connect 365 delivers prospecting automation at scale that will help us monetize hundreds of contacts from our mailing lists. We will also use it to stay in touch with existing customers, industry conference follow-up, and more."


$24K In Client Contracts In Less Than 60 Days

“I currently have two active clients through your program just a couple months in. One has retained me on a 6-month program at $2500 monthly. My second client is a company I’m simply providing group coaching to on this system to start. They have paid an $11,000 upfront retainer for four months of Group Coaching.”

JIM MCHERRY // Business Coaching

The best money I've ever spent for my business

"My secret sauce is salt and pepper. That’s all you need to make a steak taste great. And for my campaigns, the salt and pepper is just sharing good, educational content (videos or blogs) with my ideal clients every 3-4 weeks.

Since starting with you guys a few months ago, I’ve closed 3 clients, with more on the way. With the clients I typically work with [business owners of companies doing $50M to $1B annual revenue], 4-5 new clients in a full calendar year is a great year. 

This has been like a godsend–the best money I’ve ever spent for my business!

JOHN McAlister // The Beringer Group

The “Human-Intelligence” Based System That Creates Familiarity, Connection, and Trust With Your Prospects they can’t help but say YES to your offers!

To better explain how the system works, I want to share a little about how it all started.

During the last recession, we had just launched a new company, and we knew we had to get a steady stream of clients coming in fast. 

My co-founder, Josh Turner, had already watched two companies he worked for go out of business, because they didn’t have a reliable prospecting system.

These companies had millions in revenue, and they had lasted years on the strength of their referrals alone. But when the economy shifted, and those referrals started drying up, they realized they were in trouble.

It wasn’t long before the cash flow problems started piling up, and they had to close their doors for good.

So that’s why, when we started our business, we worked hard to create a system that would help us find the right prospects fast.

One that would also help us nurture those relationships and build connections through trust.

After perfecting the system for our own business, we shared it with thousands of our clients. And they used these methods to keep their calendars full with sales appointments.

Now we’ve created a way to automate over 99% of this system, without losing the human touch that makes it so effective.

And we want to give you a chance to get that exact same system for YOUR business.

So you can start generating a consistent flow of red-hot leads… in just minutes per day.

Introducing the Revolutionary System That’ll Get You at Least One, Brand-New, High-Quality Lead Every Day -- GUARANTEED!

With the 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline Program, you get a virtually-automated prospecting and lead generation system. It brings you 30 (or more) new, qualified prospects every month -- guaranteed -- via LinkedIn. And it even nurtures them into leads and clients FOR YOU.

The best part? It takes as little as ONE hour per month once set up. But don’t let the small time commitment fool you -- this is a complete, multi-channel client attraction system…

The Lead Generator 2.0

And we’ll be taking you by the hand, and showing you exactly how to implement it. So you see real results as quickly as possible.

This system covers every essential part of your marketing efforts…

It allows you to build familiarity through done-for-you social media marketing. It helps you create a connection with prospects. And it builds trust via personal-yet-automated emails.

In short, it uses “Human Intelligence” to build genuine relationships with your prospects. So your business is top of mind when they’re ready to buy.

Unlike other lead-gen systems, this doesn’t require you to invest in paid ads or intricate marketing funnels. And it’s not a massive time suck, because over 99% of the system is automated.

Which means you can focus on what’s important: having lucrative sales conversations with your prospects.

When You Join The 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline Program, You Get…

The 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline Live Training

You’ll get weekly, live training sessions with my expert coaches, so you can get your 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline up and running quickly…

…and start using it to generate more sales for your business -- FAST.

This includes step-by-step training on how to turn prospects into red-hot leads, book more sales appointments, and sign more clients repeatedly.

Plus, how you can automate over 99% of the work, so it takes you just minutes each day. (Even if you have little-to-no marketing experience.)

More than that, you’ll also get lifetime access to the training recordings, too. So you can watch sessions back at any time you like.


This is a bundle of 3 revolutionary, proven solutions that automate virtually ALL of your 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline. So you can use it to keep your calendar bursting with sales meetings –  in as little as one hour a month.

Connect 365 Platinum includes:

Connect 365 Prospects

This is our brand-new, cutting-edge platform that allows you to do prospecting on LinkedIn --  almost entirely on AUTOPILOT.

It removes over 99% of the work involved in the process by automating your connection requests, your messaging, and your overall LinkedIn presence. So all YOU need to do is define who you want to work with.

From there, Connect 365 Prospects handles the rest. Meaning it consistently brings you new, high-quality prospects to warm up -- while you barely have to lift a finger.

And this system works because it’s based on the proven lead-gen formula we used to scale multiple 7-figure companies. In the past, we were able to automate 90% of the process, but there was still 10% of the work that had to be done manually: prospecting.

But that all changes with Connect 365 Prospects. Because it automates the prospecting as well.

The result? You can now get the same incredible lead-gen results our system delivers -- in less time than ever before!

Connect 365 Email

You’ll get our acclaimed automation solution to send unlimited personal email campaigns.

Using our Connect 365 software, you can automate most of the work. This will allow you to build relationships with your ideal prospects, and convert them into profitable sales conversations about your products and services… in as little as one hour per month.

It works by using personal touch points that are essential to any campaign built on human connection. But we discovered a way to automate it. Personal relationship building is how real businesses grow, and Connect 365 Email puts that on autopilot for you.

The emails sent from this tool get near-100% primary inbox placement, as well as open rates of over 50%. Meaning your messages almost always get seen by your prospects. Which, as you can imagine, makes it much more likely that they’ll engage with you and become your clients.

Connect 365 Social

Say hello to done-for-you social media marketing. ;-)

Because Connect 365 Social includes 30 custom social media posts per month, written by my team of US-based writers. These posts will build brand awareness, grow your authority, and help you stay top-of-mind with your best prospects on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

It’s an integral part of the 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline system, as it helps warm people up and get to know you, before you start talking business. When people already “know, like and trust” you, they are much more likely to say YES to hiring you. That’s what this does… and the Connect 365  team will do all of the work for you!

Plus, not only will we create all the content, but also our software will automatically post it to your preferred social media channels at whatever timing and schedule you’d like.

Imagine effortlessly drawing in your ideal clients and always staying on their radar. Without lifting a finger, you'll have leads coming in like clockwork.

SPECIAL BONUS: 3 Months of Access to the Lead to Sales Mastery Mastermind

Once you have your 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline up and running… you’ll have plenty of qualified leads flowing into your business.

But if you want to maximize the number of leads that turn into high-ticket clients, you also need your sales and enrollment systems dialed in.

That’s why we’re giving you a 90-day membership to our Lead to Sales Mastery Mastermind, when you join this program.

This exclusive mastermind will give you an “insider's look” at the newest, most advanced methods for turning more prospects into high-value clients. Plus, it also includes:

  • High-value sales strategy sessions led by some of the top sales minds in the world. 

  • Weekly group sessions with our expert coaches... where you can trade ideas with other business owners, get personalized feedback, and ask questions.

  • Access to a community of high-performing entrepreneurs devoted to upping their sales game.

  • Training on cutting-edge marketing practices to help you maximize ROI from your leads. 

  • And much more!

This mastermind is designed to help you supercharge the results you get from the 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline Program. 

So you can make as many sales as possible… and grow your bottom line quickly throughout 2023-24

How to Know if the 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline Is Perfect for You…

Unlike many lead generation systems, 
the 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline is not specific to any industry or niche.

We’ve had clients from many different markets including real estate agents, marketing consultants, business advisors, coaches, IT firms, digital marketing agencies, and more!

As long as you sell your products and services over the phone, in meetings, in strategy sessions, on coaching calls, on sales calls, or anything similar, this system will help you find and convert more prospects.

So if you're...

  • A professional offering services like bookkeeping, financial planning, investing, insurance, engineering, construction, real estate, or any other professional service, and you want to talk to more high-value prospects…
  • A marketing or PR agency and you want to get more opportunities to pitch your services without taking away from the work that makes your clients love you…
  • A consultant or coach who wants to get more prospects on discovery calls so you can create a more reliable income stream…
  • An IT firm or managed service provider who wants to generate new business more consistently without relying on referrals…
  • A freelancer or independent contractor who wants to expand your client roster so you don’t have to depend on word of mouth to keep the revenue flowing…
  • A course creator who wants to sell more courses without spending thousands of dollars on paid ads…

If ANY of the above sound like you and your business, then the 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline is for you.

When you join the program, you’ll get access to a combination of training, templates, and scripts that will help you create a complete system for attracting new clients. This system combines effective messaging and software automation with personalized outreach, so you can develop valuable relationships that will increase your sales.

That includes automated Linkedin prospecting, 30 custom social media posts and unlimited personalized email campaigns… to ensure that you stay in touch with your highest-value prospects.

Plus, during your 90 days in the program, our coaches and experts will train you on exactly how to put these proven strategies in place for your business. So you can get your own custom campaigns running quickly... and start generating leads right away.

And we’re going to start our live group coaching calls soon, so you’ll want to lock in your access now!

Join the 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline Program and Get Your Lead Generation Handled FOR GOOD!

You’re Also Covered by an Ironclad DOUBLE Guarantee!

We take the success of our members extremely seriously. So, when you join the 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline, we’ll give you not one, but TWO guarantees. 

Which means that, as long as you: 

  • Work collaboratively with our coaching team… 

  • Ask for help if (or when) you need it… 

  • Take action on implementing all 3 course modules… 

…then you’ll be fully protected and supported by the following guarantees:

First is our ‘ROI’ Guarantee. Finding top prospects and converting them into clients can take time. And while our system is designed to do this incredibly efficiently, we can’t fully shortcut your entire selling process. 

That said, after over a decade of experience, I can say one thing for sure: if you do the work, the sales will follow. 

That’s why we’re guaranteeing you’ll generate AT LEAST enough revenue over the next year (from the leads you get through this system)… to fully recover your investment. 

Second is our ‘Lead-A-Day’ Promise. If you follow our plan, you’ll get 90 high-quality leads (minimum) for your business in the next 90 days -- guaranteed! And really, that’s a conservative promise. Because most of our clients (who use the same system) generate at least 90 leads… every single month. 

So, what happens if you don’t hit one (or both) of those targets? 

Well, we structured this program to make it highly unlikely that’ll happen. However, if the numbers fall short, we'll renew your program membership for as long as it takes -- at zero cost to you -- until you meet or exceed those goals. 

That means it’s a win-win for you. You either get results in 90 days, or we work with you until you do.

Get the 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline Up and Running in Your Business – And NEVER Have to Worry About Where Your Next Client Will Come From Again.

THis offer DISAPPEARS in...


You missed out!

Offer Ends on Monday, August 28

At Midnight PST


Here Are Some Frequently Asked Questions…

Q1. I know this will help me to get leads, but what exactly is included in the 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline Program? 

A. Great question! This program is unique, so it’s easy to get lost in the details. Let’s take a look at exactly what you’ll get… 

The System

First off, the 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline system combines hyper-targeted, automated prospecting, done-for-you social media marketing, and automatic personal email outreach. 

This multi-channel, human-intelligence-based approach will allow you to build trust with high-value prospects, foster a real relationship, and keep your business ‘top of mind’ with them. So you can convert them into high-ticket clients quickly… and almost entirely on autopilot. 

The Program

The 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline Program has three main components.

1. The 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline Live Training: You’ll get weekly, live training sessions with my expert coaches, so you can get your 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline up and running FAST. This includes step-by-step training on how to turn prospects into red-hot leads, so you can book more sales appointments and sign more clients repeatedly. Plus, how you can automate over 99% of the work, so it takes you just minutes each day. And you get to keep the training recordings forever. 

2. 3 Months of Access to Connect 365 Platinum: This is a bundle of 3 revolutionary, proven solutions that automate virtually ALL of your 90 LinkedIn Automation Pipeline. It includes:

  • Connect 365 Prospects: This proven, breakthrough platform allows you to do prospecting on LinkedIn virtually on AUTOPILOT. It removes over 99% of the work involved in the process by automating your connection requests, your messaging, and your overall LinkedIn presence. So all YOU need to do is define who you want to work with. From there, Connect 365 Prospects handles the rest. Meaning it consistently brings you new, high-quality prospects to warm up -- while you barely have to lift a finger.
  • Connect 365 Email: You’ll get our acclaimed automation solution to send unlimited personal email campaigns. Using our Connect 365 Email software, you can automate most of the work. This will allow you to build relationships with your ideal prospects, and convert them into profitable sales conversations about your products and services… in as little as one hour per month. It works by leveraging personal touch points that are essential to any successful lead gen campaign. But we discovered a way to automate that human connection. Because personal relationship building is how real businesses grow. And that’s what Connect 365 Email will do for you.
  • Connect 365 Social: Our tried-and-tested social media strategy, DONE FOR YOU! This includes 30 custom social media posts per month, written by my team of US-based writers. These posts will build brand awareness, grow your authority, and help you stay top-of-mind with your best prospects. It’s an integral part of the 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline system, as it helps warm people up and get to know you, before you start talking business. When people already “know, like and trust” you, they are much more likely to say YES to hiring you. That’s what this does… and my team will do all of the work for you!

3. SPECIAL BONUS: 3 Months of Access to the Lead to Sales Mastery Mastermind: Once your 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline is up and running, you’ll have plenty of qualified leads flowing into your business. But to maximize the number of leads that turn into high-ticket clients, you also need your sales and enrollment systems dialed in. That’s why we’re giving you a 90-day membership to our Lead to Sales Mastery Mastermind, when you join this program. This exclusive mastermind will give you an “insider's look” at the newest, most advanced methods for turning more prospects into clients. So you can maximize your business’s sales and scale consistently over the next 3 months. 

Q2. How do I know if this is right for me and my business? 

A. The 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline will help anyone who wants to connect with targeted prospects, associates, or potential referral partners at scale… without having to spend much time on lead gen. 

We’ve seen massive success from real estate agents, marketing consultants, business advisors, coaches, IT firms, digital marketing agencies, and many others. The great thing is that this system works across industries and niches. 

And it’s especially effective if your business relies on human interactions to sell your products and services. Because you’ll be able to have a more personal touch in your outreach and ensure that your prospects don’t feel like they’re just another number.

So if that’s something you want? Then YES, this system is right for you. 

Q3. What do you mean by “Human Intelligence” and how does it help me sign more clients?

A. As you probably know, Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms (like ChatGPT) exploded in popularity over the last 10 months. And while AI can be a fantastic tool for entrepreneurs, it isn’t a marketing silver bullet (like many “gurus” are claiming). Because it cannot replicate the “human touch” in marketing. 

As a result, if you’re relying on AI alone to create your marketing messages, there’a good chance you’re damaging trust with prospects, and making them NOT want to work with you.

Which is why, if you want to keep your calendar jam-packed with high-end clients -- month after month -- we recommend taking a “Human Intelligence” based approach. 

This is a proven approach that builds familiarity with prospects, creates a real connection with them, and wins their trust. One that makes prospects excited to work with you, and more than happy to pay you handsomely for your services, too.

And with our 99%-automated system in place, you can almost entirely automate this process. So it takes less than one hour a month… (Without handing your marketing over to trust-destroying chatbots.)

Q4. I already have an email service. How is Connect 365 Email different? 

A. You may have heard about or used other email automation tools. But, Connect 365 Email offers a completely different, more personal kind of email marketing. 

Emails sent through Connect 365 literally look like a personal email from your grandma (and everyone opens those, right? :-). Which means they’re much more effective than typical marketing emails, when it comes to:

  • Getting your best prospects to notice you, and gaining their trust
  • Building a relationship with them, and getting them to reply
  • Booking more sales appointments, and converting more clients

See, a personal-looking email is the best way to create trust, because it sets you apart from the endless marketing blasts that everyone’s tired of. 

And Connect 365 emails are more likely to end up in your prospects’ primary inbox (not some spam folder) where they’ll be seen and opened. 

In fact, I’m confident saying Connect 365 Email can double or even triple your open rates! Because our clients typically see open rates of 40-50%. (And often even 70-80%!) And while these stats are nice, the bottom line for YOU is that Connect 365 Email will get you more clients.

What’s more… this system is not just about email. It’s a one-stop solution, perfectly integrated to connect you with top-tier prospects,  and to help you convert them into clients.

Q5. I don’t have marketing or tech experience, are the Connect 365 automation tools complicated to use?

A. No, our suite of automation tools are super easy to use. They’re designed for small business owners who need a simple solution that is easy to launch and quick to get results. And you get in-depth training, scripts and templates to help you use these platforms easily and quickly… even if you have ZERO marketing or tech experience. Plus, a lot of it is done for you.

We don’t leave you hanging either... during the 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline Program, you'll get weekly live group calls with our expert team to show you how to set up and customize your lead-gen system, and start getting more high-paying clients quickly. 

Trust me when I say – we’re giving you all of the pieces of the puzzle you need to easily set up and implement your client attraction system… and to start seeing results RIGHT AWAY… 

…regardless of your experience level or background. 

Q6. But what if I don’t already have a list of prospects? 

A. Not to worry! Because we’re gonna help you build a list of quality prospects, almost entirely on autopilot. 

This is thanks to our brand-new, cutting-edge platform Connect 365 Prospects. It removes over 99% of the work involved in LinkedIn prospecting by automating your connection requests, your messaging, and your overall LinkedIn presence. So all you need to do is define who you’re looking to work with

From there, Connect 365 Prospects handles the rest. It will generate a regular flow of qualified leads for your business, while you barely lift a finger. (In fact, we GUARANTEE it will get you at least one new lead every single day.)

And this system works because it’s based on the proven lead-gen formula we used to scale multiple 7-figure companies. In the past, we were able to automate 90% of the process, but there was still 10% of the work that had to be done manually: prospecting. 

But that all changes with Connect 365 Prospects. Because it automates the prospecting as well. 

Q7. I’m B2C… is this only for B2B businesses? 

A. This system is effective for both B2C and B2B businesses. 

At the end of the day, The 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline allows you to connect with the right people in a way that makes them eager to reply and start working with you.

So, it doesn’t matter if you’re B2B or B2C. If you need to connect with a targeted group of people, it WILL help you. 

Q8. I don’t have the time to write a ton of emails or content. And frankly, I don’t really know what to say either. Is this system still a good choice for me? 

A. Absolutely! In fact, we’ve designed this system specifically for busy business owners who are in this position. That’s why you get:

  1. Dozens of tested email campaign templates: You can quickly customize these proven campaign templates for your business, then plug them into your Connect 365 account with a single click of a button.
  2. 30 custom social media posts per month (written by my team of US-based writers): These posts will allow you to build brand awareness, grow your authority, and help you stay top-of-mind with your best prospects… without having to spend any time coming up with ideas, or creating social media content. 
  3. Automated social media posting: Our software will automatically post your content to your preferred social media channels at whatever timing and cadence you’d like. So you can save even more time, and attract more ideal clients… while barely lifting a finger. 

Q9. What if I don’t really sell through meetings or appointments?

A. If you don’t sell products or services through appointments, The 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline can still help you to grow your business in MANY different ways. Here are some examples:

  • Increasing your webinar show up rates 
  • Mostly ‘hands off’ relationship building with new event connections
  • Staying top-of-mind with potential referral partners
  • Nurturing your relationship with current clients on autopilot
  • Booking more speaking gigs 
  • Getting on podcasts (and reaching larger audiences) 
  • And much, much more! 

We continually add templates and scripts for use cases like these. But essentially, if you need to connect with people, gain their trust, and make more sales – The 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline will help you.

Q10. Is Connect 365 Email CAN-SPAM and GDPR compliant? 

A. Yes. Staying compliant with privacy laws and regulations is a big priority for us. And we provide training and advice within Connect 365 to help you stay compliant when you’re sending out emails. So you don’t have to worry about a thing. ;-)

Q11. Am I covered by a guarantee when I join the program?

A. Yes! We take the success of our members extremely seriously. So, when you join the 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline Program, we’ll give you not one, but TWO guarantees. 

All we ask is that you: 

  • Work collaboratively with our coaching team… 
  • Ask for help if (or when) you need it… 
  • Take action on implementing all 3 course modules… 

…then you’ll be fully protected and supported by the following guarantees:

First is our ROI Guarantee. Finding top prospects and converting them into clients can take time. And while our system is designed to do this incredibly efficiently, we can’t fully shortcut your entire selling process. 

That said, after over a decade of experience, I can say one thing for sure: if you do the work, the sales will follow. 

That’s why we’re guaranteeing you’ll generate AT LEAST enough revenue over the next year (from the leads you get through this system)… to fully recover your investment. 

Second is our Lead-A-Day Promise. If you follow our plan, you’ll get 90 high-quality leads (minimum) for your business in the next 90 days -- guaranteed! And really, that’s a conservative promise. Because most of our clients (who use the same system) generate at least 90 leads… every single month. 

So, what happens if you don’t hit one (or both) of those targets? 

Well, we structured this program to make it highly unlikely that’ll happen. However, if the numbers fall short, we'll renew your program membership for as long as it takes -- at zero cost to you -- until you meet or exceed those goals. 

That means it’s a win-win for you. You either get results in 90 days, or we work with you until you do.

Your Business Is at a Turning Point… So What’s Your Next Move?

Each day without a steady influx of quality leads is another lost opportunity for growth. But even worse, it’s putting your business at risk, because without new leads your revenue can dry up fast. 

Without a proven lead-gen system in place… 

…you’re letting potential high-paying clients slip through the cracks. And you’re damaging your ability to hit (or exceed) your revenue goals -- and scale your business consistently. 

So the way I see it, there are only three options you can take right now:

[Option 1] You can continue to rely on referrals to generate new business. But that’s dangerous because it leaves you vulnerable to running out of leads and clients, should those referrals dry up for any reason. Which can quickly turn into cash flow problems… and having to close your business’s doors for good. Or…

[Option 2] You can do what many business owners are doing right now: hand most of your marketing over to AI tools like ChatGPT. And watch as this damages trust with your prospects, reduces your ability to convert new clients… and makes many of the clients you do end up signing a NIGHTMARE to deal with.

Or, you can take the choice for predictable growth… 

[Option 3] You can join the 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline Program… and get a hands-off system that brings you high-ticket clients -- almost entirely on autopilot. 

A proven system that builds real, personal connections with your ideal prospects, makes you stand out as an authority in their eyes… and gets them ecstatic to work with you. 

In this program, I’ll help you tap into ALL those lucrative sales opportunities you’re currently missing out on. So you can grow your business quickly and consistently.

Plus, I’ll show you how to do it in a way that’s over 99% automated, so you barely have to lift a finger.

That way, you’ll never need to worry about where your next high-value client will come from again. Plus, you’ll have predictable revenue hitting your account, every single month. 

Which, as you can imagine, makes it SO much easier for you to grow your bottom line -- while actually giving you MORE free time… 

Since your lead gen is happening like clockwork -- with virtually no involvement from you.. 

Join the 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline Program and Fill Your Pipeline With High-Value Leads and Clients – Every Single Month.

Yes! I’m Ready to Join the 90 Day LinkedIn Automation Pipeline Program!

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Offer Ends on Monday, August 28

At Midnight PST