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Congrats! You’ve Saved Your Spot!

Here’s what to do next…

I’m glad that you saved your seat for our upcoming Automated Authority Training. We’ll show you how to get more out of your social media in less time.

To make sure you get the most out of your training, there are just a couple of things for you to do.

First, check your inbox for an email from Jerett (that’s me) at Connect 365. It’s going to have all the information you need to join us for the live training.

Then, make sure you add the event to your calendar. It’s happening Wednesday, February 29 at 2:30pm Eastern. You can use the calendar links below to make sure you don’t miss anything.

And keep an eye on your inbox, because I’ll send you some helpful information to help you get the most out of this training.

See you soon!

Jerett Rion
Head of Connect 365 Social