The Connect 365 System to Automate Your Outbound Lead Generation & Prospecting with LinkedIn

How to grow your network and gain new clients on autopilot without using black hat LinkedIn bots or software


Tuesday, May 26
2:00PM Central, 3PM Eastern

You Are Going To Discover....

  • How to tap into LinkedIn’s goldmine of high-quality prospects and automate the process to turn them into sales appointments.
  • The single most important hack that entrepreneurs, sales professionals, and marketers need to know to have success on LinkedIn.
  • Exactly what you need to say in your initial outreach to warm your prospects up and build trust almost instantly.
  • Time saving tricks to avoid wasting hours every week so that prospecting and lead generation doesn't feel like your full time job.
  • How to automate this entire system so that you barely have to lift a finger.
  • All without using any strategies or tools that violate LinkedIn's terms of service and could get your account shut down. 

About Your Host...

Josh Turner is the Founder & CEO of LinkedSelling as well as a Wall Street Journal best-selling author. His team over almost 60 employees has helped thousands of clients generate hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue using his business growth systems.

Josh Turner & LinkedSelling Have Been Featured In:

May 26th, 2020 @ 2pm Cst | 3pm Est | 11am PST

The Connect 365 System to Automate Your Outbound Lead Generation & Prospecting with LinkedIn

How to grow your network and gain new clients on autopilot without using black hat LinkedIn bots or software