You’re In!
You officially registered for the B2B Marketing Agency Playbook Workshop!
Before the workshop: Watch the video below so you’ll know what to expect at the session -- and what to do right now so you can get the most out of it.
Thanks for saving your seat for the B2B Marketing Agency Playbook Workshop!
I’m pumped that you’ll be joining us. And I can’t wait to show you the breakthrough strategy that enabled us to scale our marketing agency to $40 million in revenue…
…and more importantly, how YOU can use it to keep your pipeline full with red-hot leads -- in a way that's ‘hands off’ and takes less than 3 hours a week.
But first things first -- to get that insider’s information, you do need to show up! So with that in mind, please complete the following steps right away:
[Step 1] Check Your Inbox for Your Login Info
About 1-2 minutes after registering, you’ll see a confirmation email from us in your inbox. Please make sure you received this, and then let us know by replying to that email with “all set.”
[Step 2] Add the Workshop Date and Time to Your Calendar
Check your email inbox for the calendar invitation we just sent you, and add the event info to your calendar right away.
Okay, that’s all for now. Thanks again for registering -- and I’ll see you at the workshop!
Ryan Farrell | Director of Marketing, Connect 365