[WORKSHOP RECORDING] The B2B Marketing Agency Playbook

Discover the breakthrough strategy that elite marketing agencies are using to get a consistent flow of high-value leads -- in just 20 minutes a day or less! And how you can use it in your business, too.

Launch and Scale Your Automate LEad Machine In 90 days Or Less!

Want to implement the same strategy that top B2B Lead Generation agencies are using to get their clients more high-value leads and clients than they know what to do with? 

And get all of the tools needed to automate nearly every step of the process? Apply for one of our 20 Minute Marketing programs now!

Have you ever wondered how ELITE marketing agencies generate top-dollar leads consistently… 

…both for themselves and their clients?

Because I can tell you, they don’t do it by sitting around, staring at their computer screens -- and crossing their fingers that referrals will come in. 

Instead, the very best agencies know they need a bulletproof system to attract a regular flow of the highest-quality leads. Ideally, one that’s simple and time efficient… and – most important – one that produces top-notch results right now.

I know this because that’s exactly how we scaled our B2B marketing agency -- LinkedSelling -- to $40 million dollars in revenue. (And how we landed on the Inc. 500 list of the fastest-growing companies in America multiple times.) 

Simply put, we had the right, highly-effective marketing system in place.

And I’m not telling you this to brag. I’m sharing it because I see many entrepreneurs struggling right now for ONE simple reason:

They don’t have a reliable system for generating high-value leads consistently.

And seeing this kills me, because it really doesn’t have to be that way. Because with the right marketing system in place? 

You can easily KEEP your calendar full of lucrative sales appointments -- every single month. Plus, it’s 100% possible to do that… in just 3 hours a week or less… even if you have little-to-no marketing experience.

That may sound unbelievable, but we’ve successfully taught THOUSANDS of entrepreneurs how to do it in their own businesses… 

…by implementing one revolutionary and virtually-automated marketing system. 

It doesn’t take expert marketing knowledge, and you don’t have to learn any complicated technology. If you know how to open a browser, post on social media, and send emails… then you can use this system. 

And the cool thing is… 

Right now, YOU have a time-sensitive opportunity to get that same, proven system. So you can fill your business’s pipeline with red-hot leads, every single month.  

(Plus -- if it’s something that interests you -- we can even show you how to use our system to create an in-demand lead-gen offer for your business. One that can realistically earn you 6 figures annually… while taking just 20 minutes per day to fulfill.)

Ready to Implement the 20 Minute Marketing System?

We Have 3 Options.

Option #1

Interested in getting leads for your own business? 

The 90 Day 20 Minute Marketing Method Program is for those that want to learn this system to get attract, engage, and convert high-quality prospects into their business every month. 

During this 90 day program you’ll get weekly training & Q&A sessions with coaches on the Connect 365 team on the best system for getting high paying clients for your business. Including software to automate nearly every step of the process.

Here is everything it includes:

  • 90 Days of 20 Minute Marketing Method Training
  • 90 Days of Coaching with Our Expert Team
  • [BONUS 1] 90 Days of Access to Connect 365 Platinum
  • [BONUS 2] 90 Days of Access to the Lead to Sales Mastery Mastermind 

Program Investment: $1,997

This Program Is By Application Only.
If You're Interested Hit The Button Below For More Details!

Option #2

Interested in getting leads for your own business AND for your clients? 

The 20-Minute Marketing Agency Program is a 6 month program where you’ll not only learn how to implement this system in your business but also how to fill a huge need in the marketplace by offering lead generation services to your new or existing clients. We’ll teach you everything you need to know about pricing, selling, and fulfilling this work. 

So that you can find and covert prospects who are willing to pay you thousands every month. Again, this program includes all of the tools you need to automate nearly everything so that you can serve a client in roughly 20 minutes a day.

Here is everything it includes:

  • 6 Months of 20 Minute Marketing Method Training
  • 6 Months of Coaching with Our Expert Team
  • [BONUS 1] 6 Months of Access to Connect 365 Platinum
  • [BONUS 2] 6 Months of Access to the Lead to Sales Mastery Mastermind 

Program Investment: $2,997

This Program Is By Application Only.
If You're Interested Hit The Button Below For More Details!

Option #3

Get Certified In The 20 Minute Marketing Agency System!

The 20 Minute Marketing Agency Certification Program is a 12 Month program where you get all of the software you need for a full year, access to a coach and training on everything you need to know to not only implement the system for your business but also how to sell this as a service, sell it to your existing clients, to new clients or create a whole new business from it. 

In this program, we’ll work with you for a whole year to make this a reality, so you can go from an idea to a six figure plus business in just a few months and then we’ll help you overcome any road blocks that might get in your way over the next year.

Here is everything it includes:

  • 6 Months of 20 Minute Marketing Method Training
  • 12 Months of Coaching with Our Expert Team
  • [BONUS 1] 12 Months of Access to Connect 365 Platinum
  • [BONUS 2] 12 Months of Access to the Lead to Sales Mastery Mastermind 

Program Investment: $9,997

This Program Is By Application Only.
If You're Interested Hit The Button Below For More Details!

Get Ready For Your Best Year Yet!

Apply now to get everything you need to create a lead generation machine to get qualified high-end leads for your business-- or your client's businesses!

Price: $500 deposit (fully refunded if you decide not to join a program)

All you have to do to get started is click the button below to start your application. You’ll be asked to put down a fully refundable $500 deposit, just to secure your seat while we review your application. Then you’ll book a qualification call with a member of my team to discuss your application.

And if you both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll apply your deposit toward your investment in the 20 Minute Marketing program of your choice. (If not, we’ll refund your deposit in full.)

Keep in mind that you do need to take action ASAP. Because the application deadline is Friday, November 17, at midnight, Pacific… or whenever the program is full… whichever one comes first.

To get started just click the button below.

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