Learn The System That Fast-Growing Small Businesses Are Using To Create An Unfair Advantage Over Their Competitors And Generate A Predictable Flow Of New Sales Opportunities.
Consider this Page your Challenge HeadQuarters!
We will be updating this page every day of the challenge with the daily lesson recording & assignment.
Scroll Down To Access The Daily Training Session
Day one
The Perfect Prospects Codebook
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Details & Instructions
Step 1: Watch Today's Training
Watch today's training to learn The Perfect Prospects Codebook: 5 Ways to Get a List of Red-Hot Prospects in just hours... at no cost.
On today’s session you’ll learn:
- How to build a ‘Perfect Prospect Profile’ to eliminate wasted time and quickly find more qualified leads
- The Prospecting Treasure Map - 5 surefire strategies to find your ideal prospects by tapping into some of of the most powerful (& underutilized) online platforms
- Why the ‘standard’ approach to online marketing is changing and how to join the fastest-growing small businesses by getting ahead of the curve
- The 3% Fallacy” and why most people target the WRONG prospects to begin with and ignoring their larger market
- The dirty little marketing secret that causes 1 in 10 small businesses to fail every year... and how to strengthen your outreach by using it to your advantage
Step 2: Submit Day 1 HomeWork In The Challenge Facebook Group
The homework thread for Day 1 was posted in the Challenge Facebook Group. You'll submit your homework task in the comments section of that post! There we can track your progress and provide feedback.
Be sure to do this step! Each day of the challenge we'll be giving away some pretty awesome prizes to active participant in the group. But you have to submit your homework to be entered.
Day TWo
The Emphatic Method
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Details & Instructions
Step 1: Watch Today's Training
Watch today's training to learn The Emphatic Method: A Unique Social Media Playbook To Disrupt The Traditional Marketing Industry, Build Instant Awareness In Your Market
On today’s session you’ll learn:
- How to build instant credibility with your ideal prospects and create more predictable sales opportunities
- The ‘Social Priming Effect’ and how to use it to overcome the #1 reason most sales outreach campaigns fail
- 3 time-saving secrets to launch an ‘Authority Amplifier’ campaign that builds market awareness without breaking the bank
- How to create a ‘Value Identifier’ Map that uncovers exactly WHAT your unique audience will respond to
Step 2: Submit Day 2 HomeWork In The Challenge Facebook Group
The homework thread for Day 2 was posted in the Intensive Facebook Group. You'll submit your homework task in the comments section of that post! There we can track your progress and provide feedback.
Be sure to do this step! Each day of the intensive we'll be giving away some pretty awesome prizes to active participant in the group. But you have to submit your homework to be entered.
The Personal Marketing Conversion Dial
Have You Done This Yet?
Details & Instructions
Step 1: Watch Today's Training
Watch today's training to learn The Personal marketing Conversion Dial: The Top-Performing Automated Outreach Campaigns to Build Relationships Faster & Convert More Prospects Into Clients....
On today’s session you’ll learn:
- The ‘Pattern Interrupt Sequence’ that generates immediate opportunities without sacrificing long-term relationships with your high-value prospects
- 3 steps to avoid the ‘SOS Cycle’ that kills over 90% of growth initiatives in small businesses
- How to 2-3x opportunities (on average) with your prospects through our proprietary LEAD Blueprint system.
Step 2: Submit Day 3 HomeWork In The Challenge Facebook Group
The homework thread for Day 3 was posted in the Intensive Facebook Group. You'll submit your homework task in the comments section of that post! There we can track your progress and provide feedback.
Be sure to do this step! Each day of the intensive we'll be giving away some pretty awesome prizes to active participant in the group. But you have to submit your homework to be entered.