You're In!

(But you still have Have two more Tiny Things to Do)

IMPORTANT: Watch The Video For Two Steps To Help You Get The Most out Of The Masterclass!

Next Steps

Step 1

add the masterclass to your calendar.

Right now, before you forget, before life gets in the way, add the masterclass to your calendar by hitting the button below.

You signed up for this for a reason and you owe it to yourself to follow through. 

Step 2

activate your test drive of the connect 365 referral accelerator.

The system that I am going to teach you on the masterclass is automated. The video on the this page has all the specifics but know this... 

I’ve put together a package that will give you everything you need to build a network of referral partners AND have an automated marketing system to motivate them to send business your way.

I want to give you access for free for the next couple of weeks to implement the system… and then if you decide to keep it, super cheap after that.

But you don’t have to decide on that until you make sure it’s right for you and start seeing results.