A Practical 3-Step System For Building A Massive Referral Network To Send You Referrals & Clients Every Month…

...no matter how much experience you have, and even if you don't enjoy networking.

Referral Masterclass

Warning: This is a 2 hour masterclass for those who are looking to build a real system for growing their business. If you're looking for some sort of get rich quick easy magic button thing, this is not for you.

I'm going to show you...

  • How to create an actual system for getting a surge of referrals into your business.
  • Why studies show that referrals are your BEST customers, incredibly loyal, and most profitable.
  • How to identify your best referral partners that are THRILLED to send you business.
  • How we’ve generated over $13M from referrals over the last 9 years and how you can set up the same system in your business.
  • Exactly what you need to do to tap into "Centers of Influence" to build your “Top 100” Referral Network, including messaging scripts for each step of the process.
  • Why this will work no matter what stage your business is in...and no matter if you enjoy networking or not.
  • How to automate a follow-up system to stay in touch, stay top-of-mind, and position yourself as a leading expert...totally hands-off, using email, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
  • And... the best part... how to automate 99% of the process, so that you can focus on other areas of your business.

Meet Your Host, Josh Turner

Josh Turner is the Founder & CEO of Connect 365 & Emphatic as well as a Wall Street Journal best-selling author. His team over almost 60 employees has helped thousands of clients generate hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue using his business growth systems and automation tools.