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when you join the lead generator you get:
It’s a 3-in-1 comprehensive strategy that brings you clients, in just an hour a month! (No more hours spent at your desk trying to get clients! In fact, we remove items from your to-do list via done for social, and automated outreach.)
This is why…
the lead generator is a one-of-a-kind program
That Combines Perfect Positioning, Hyper-Targeted Prospecting, Done-For-You Social Media Content And Automated Personal Messaging To Quickly Gain Your Prospects Trust, Develop A Relationship With Them, And Turn Them Into Clients.
As an entrepreneur your #1 priority is to consistently generate revenue and sign new clients for your business.
Because it doesn't matter how great of a product you have or how amazing of a service you provide if you don’t have enough in the bank to keep the lights on and grow your team.
Your business needs revenue like your body needs oxygen. Without steady cash flow your business won’t make it. And that starts with leads.
BUT, right now, the cards are stacked against you...if you don’t make a pivot. Because the two factors that impact buying decisions the most are trust and familiarity. You may have noticed that right now people are less trusting and are surrounded by more noise than ever before.
And if you cannot overcome these hurdles you’re not going to succeed. It’s as simple as that.
The other problem is that business owners are BUSY! It’s difficult to stay consistent in building that trust when you have so much going on…
But I do have good news for you…
This problem is exactly what The Lead Generator was created for…
…To help passionate entrepreneurs, marketers, business owners, freelancers, and sales professionals get a lot more leads, by building trust with your best prospects so that they are THRILLED to hire or buy from you.
While using a mix of proven systems, automation technology, and done for you services to maximize your time…
So that once my team helps you get the system set up, you only need to invest an hour a month to keep leads and prospects coming in the door!
Now - with all this hands-on work and years of proving the system… you’re likely wondering what will this cost you?
First of all, I’m a small business owner myself, and fully aware of how things are stacked against us. But I’m here to make your life easier. In fact, my goal is to help you get better results in LESS time.
AND I want you to see how having a comprehensive solution (almost entirely hands off) will bring you more clients and actually grow your business. And because you’re getting more clients, the Lead Generator should pay for itself. That’s the goal.
To show you how serious I am about this as a solution for your business, I’m going to let you try out the Lead Generator program for a whole month (no strings attached) for just $47.
This is a trial period for 30 days to give you a taste and let you see exactly how it works. You have full access to everything you need in the program, including:
Is This Right For You?
Who IS The LEad Generator Perfect For?
The LEAD Generator system is a multifaceted approach for attracting prospects, warming them up, getting them to trust you, and then turning them into paying clients.
And it works for pretty much any business in ANY industry who can sell their products and services over the phone, in meetings, strategy sessions, coaching calls, sales calls, etc.
That Means...
The LEAD Generator provides a combination of training, scripts, done for you content creation and software automation tools to make your social media marketing, outreach and follow up happen in a way that makes getting new clients simple, efficient, and inexpensive. Regardless of experience level.
So if that appeals to you then you are 100% in the right place and I’m super excited to work with you on the inside.
you're going to love this
The tool the pros use
are you ready to join the lead generator and get conistent clients month after month?
Test out the Lead Generator program for a whole month and then decide if it’s for you.
Get started now for an amazing trial deal of $47 for the first month.