What Is The "Connect 365 Referral Accelerator?"
I have thousands of clients and I see the same things over and over.
I see entrepreneurs in pain.
Smart, passionate people burning out because they are juggling too much at once.
So finally I said, enough’s enough… and my team and I developed a system for proactively generating referrals in a way that takes most of the heavy lifting of maintaining the system off your shoulders.
Because there are tons of influencers and leaders in your market who should be sending you referrals. People who are working with your ideal clients that would be thrilled to be referring business to you. They just need to know that you’re the one to send these referrals to.
And that’s exactly what my Connect 365 Referral Accelerator was designed to help entrepreneurs JUST LIKE YOU do.
You'll get...
And your cost today is ZERO DOLLARS. I want you to try it ALL for free for 14 days.
That way you can start to go through the bootcamp, implement the strategy, and see the results for yourself. If you don’t like it, you can cancel anytime and we can part ways as friends.
But I'm confident that you are going to kill it.
And that this is exactly what you’ve been looking for.
And I know that once you see the kinds of results that you’re going to get, that you’ll stay on as a member for a long time.
So I'm going to make this even easier on you....
Broken out individually everything included in this is over $900 a month.
But when you stay on as a member you’re going to get a huge discount on your ongoing investment.
Again, you pay nothing today. And after your 14-day test-drive you'll get an 82% discount ongoing.
I’m betting on US… you and me… making this a huge win for you.
I want to make this accessible for every business that needs it.
Because I believe that, together, we can do a lot of good in the world.
Unless Something Changes...
You Are 3x More Likely To Fail Than Your Top Competitors
I know this doesn't feel good to hear but it’s almost certainly true.
The Wharton School of Business conducted a study to determine the impact that a formalized referral program has on the growth of a business.
They found that companies with formalized referral programs experience 86% more revenue growth, compared to others over a two year period. Yet, only 30% of companies surveyed even have a formalized referral program.
And honestly, I was surprised to hear it’s even that high...because the vast majority of businesses I see out there...they don’t have a proactive referral system.
Many of your top competitors are likely in that top 30%. Meaning with the exact same amount of work, they’ll generate 86% more revenue than you.
If that doesn’t make you upset and realize that you gotta change something...then I don’t know what will. It’s a problem. Bigger than you might think.
Studies have found that referrals convert 30% better and have a 25% higher lifetime value than leads generated from other marketing channels.
Research firm Forrester did another study showing that 80% of all B2C and B2B purchases involved some form of word-of-mouth recommendation during the purchase cycle.
If you don't have a referral strategy, you may be instantly out of the running for 80% of businesses.
Now, you might be thinking, “But Josh… I get referrals without a formal referral program...what’s different?”
Sure you may get a referral here and there, but that’s just good fortune and not a real system, and certainly not scalable.
You have to be proactive, you have to build a network of partners who send referrals to you consistently, and nurture that network the right way.
Because look, 85% of businesses report that their best leads and clients come from REFERRALS and WORD OF MOUTH. Yet almost none of them have a system to proactively generate referrals.
I don’t think that’s right, and I want to change this right now...for YOU and for every small business that needs this system.
Because Right Now
You're Likely Working Too Hard With Not Enough Return
You probably feel like you don’t have enough time... like you are throwing together marketing plans and hoping to get something to stick.
I know you have a ton of responsibilities.
Responsibilities to your clients.
Responsibilities to your team members.
Responsibilities to your family… your friends… to yourself.
And, if you’re like a lot of the people I talk to, there is so much noise out there... about complicated funnels… and expensive ad campaigns… and video content… and expensive automation tools.
And honestly, most of that stuff is overly complex and just not necessary.
So I want you to know, that it’s okay that you don’t have a referral program in place right now.
Because honestly, almost nobody is doing it...because they don’t know how, and they don’t have the time. And even if you did, the old-fashioned way of building relationships with referral partners...takes too much time. That’s the old fashioned way.
But fortunately, there’s now a NEW way that solves all these problems.
So, I'M Assuming You'd Like to KNow...
What Exactly Is Inside The
Connect 365 Referral Accelerator?
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Let's Break This Down...
Here's Everything That You Get As A Member When You Create Your Free Account Before This Offer Expires On November 7, 2021
PLUS Get 82% off your monthly subscription FOr Life After Your 14-Day Test-Drive!
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*Free for 14-Days and Then $166/Mo. 82% Off Special Offer Available Until Midnight PST on Tuesday November 7, 2021*
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