2023 lead generator 2.0 Partner Launch

how does 60% Commission Sound?

Mark your calendar! Our Upcoming Launch of The Lead Generator 2.0 Will run between January 19th and Includes 60% Commissions on all paying members!

Launch At-A-Glance

LEAD Generator 2.0 Buying Options

$0 for a 30-Day Test Drive | $166.00/mo. after. 

Commission Structure

$100 Flat Commission For All Buyers Who Stay On After 30 Day Test-Drive

And Another $100 For All Buyers That Stay on For A Second Month

That's 60% Commission!

Promo Dates

Jan 9 - 25

Pre-Launch Dates

Jan 9 - 18

Cart Open

Thursday, Jan 19

Cart Close

Wednesday, Jan. 25

full launch schedule: promotion and delivery dates


Promo Dates


The Micro Megaphone Method

Jan 9 - 10

Resource + Training

The Response Trigger

Jan 11 - 12

Resource + Training

The Anti-Funnel Growth Blueprint

Jan 13 - 14

Resource + Training

Micro Megaphone Method Masterclass (webinar)

Jan 14 - 17

There will be 5 webinar timeslots to choose from.
January 15th (one slot), January 16th (2 times), and January 17th (2 times.)

Cart Open

Jan 19

First public announcement that doors are open.

Cart Close

Jan 25

All sales pages redirect to waiting list at Midnight PT on Wednesday, January 2th

Have questions? Want to make sure you're on our partner list for the launch? Reach out to Danny Bermant at partners@connect365.io and he'll get you taken care of. 

The Big Idea

The Micro Megaphone method

The big idea of this launch (and main topic of PLC 1) is something we’re calling the Micro Megaphone Method.

Most businesses, marketers, consultants etc. are trying to use a megaphone to sell their products and services. Meaning they try to get in front of as many people as possible and yell the loudest. That is not only unnecessary for most businesses, it’s ineffective. 

Their prospects are hammered with thousands of marketing messages every day and are struggling to keep up. Trying to be the loudest person in a room full of people brimming with stress and anxiety does not create an environment conducive to high-end sales and will only cause their prospects to ignore them and avoid facing their issues. 

To stand out you need to take a micro approach to your marketing and put an emphasis on 1:1 conversations to get, hold, retain their prospect’s attention. 

The Core Driver of this method is The Response Trigger (PLC 2). There is no point in reaching out to people directly if your messaging causes them to ignore you. But by leveraging research backed psychological triggers you can activate your prospects' motivation sensors to make it nearly impossible for them to ignore you. 

The way to make this possible, while not neglecting other areas of your life and business,  is with The Anti-Funnel Growth Blueprint (PLC 2). 

The old way of doing things either used to require a big budget OR tons of time to build up relationships one-by-one.  This blueprint lays out every facet of the system. List building, outreach, content, follow up etc. Included a daily list of activities one needs to do to have success month after month.