Thanks for subscribing to the Marketing and Sales Essentials Newsletter!
I’m pumped you raised your hand for this. And your welcome email should land in your inbox in the next 1-2 minutes.
Frankly, I know you’ll LOVE this newsletter. Because it’s going to help you generate more high-value B2B leads, book more profitable sales meetings, and smash your revenue targets -- month after month.
However, for that to happen, you need to actually get our emails. ;-)
Because the thing is… most email providers (like Gmail, Yahoo!, Hotmail/Outlook, etc.) have recently gotten very aggressive about deciding which emails people do and don’t receive.
So if you want to get our cutting-edge lead-gen insights each week -- you’ll need to make sure our newsletter isn’t filtered into oblivion. ;-)
Here’s how to keep our emails in your primary inbox…
The way to do this will be different depending on the email provider you use. So follow the simple instructions that are relevant for YOU below…
(Using another email system? No problem – you can find email whitelist instructions here.)
This step is critical to ensure you don’t miss any of the strategies we’re going to send you! So be sure to do it now, before life gets in the way and you forget.
Got questions? Just reply to your welcome email, and I or one of my colleagues will reply ASAP.
Also, if you know someone who could benefit from the info in the Marketing and Sales Essentials Newsletter, please send them the link or forward an edition to them. We really appreciate your support!
Alright, that’s all for now. Thanks again for subscribing, and you’ll hear from us soon. :-)
Ryan Farrell | Director of Marketing, Connect 365