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Start Your Free 14-Day "All Access" Test Drive Of Connect 365 Today

PLUS: Get an ongoing discount of 65% off of our list price after your test-drive ends!

The Connect 365 Difference

How is this different than mailchimp, active campaign, etc?

You may have heard about or used other email automation tools. You see, Mailchimp, and other autoresponders like it, are amazing tools for mass email marketing. But they kinda stink for priority email.

They just weren’t built for the same thing.

They were built to send tons of emails out to giant lists, and segment people based on actions taken on big websites…

They’re complicated because they have to be.

And because they’re big, they need to be hosted on their own servers... which means that ALL of their users are sending email from the same place... and that makes ESP’s like Gmail, Outlook, etc. freak out.

Connect 365 offers a completely different and more personal kind of email marketing. That’s why it’s great for prospecting and sales because your emails sent through Connect 365 literally look like a personal email from your grandma (and everyone opens those, right?).

In all seriousness, on a human level, a personal looking email is good for building trust because it makes you look approachable and trustworthy (not like a cold corporation sending out mass sales emails).

On a technical level, your email provider registers personal emails differently. This means that Connect 365 emails give you improved deliverability and engagement rates.

In most cases, you can double or even triple your open rates overnight with Connect 365!

Plus, the platform is super easy to use, AND we don’t leave you hanging - you get in-depth training, scripts, and templates (and as part of this promotion only, a daily implementation bootcamp you can follow to help you set up your client attraction machine so you can get massive results for months to come.)

In short, if you have an email list of 10's of thousands of contacts Connect 365 can be your secret weapon to make sure your most important emails reach your most important contacts while your big box autoresponder continues to mail to your full list. 

Or, if you don't have a large email list, you can use Connect 365 to take care of your email outreach and follow-up to both cold contacts and warm contacts.


You have questions? We have answers!

Q. How do I know this is right for me and my business?

Q. I already have an email tool. How is this different?

Q. What if I don't have a list of prospects?

Q. Does Connect 365 work for B2C businesses?

Q. Will Connect 365 work for the >>insert industry<<  market?

Q. What if I don't sell my products/services through appointments?

Q. Is Connect 365 CAN-SPAM and GDPR compliant?

Q. What if I am not good at selling? Can Connect 365 still help?

Q. I've signed up for software in the past and ended up not using it. What kind of support do I get with Connect 365?

Q. What are the different uses of Connect 365?

Let's Get Started!

Start Your Free 14-Day "All Access" Test Drive Of Connect 365 Today

Plus Get Grandfathered In At $67/Mo (Normally $197/Mo ) After Your Trial!

STEP 1 of 2

Enter the Name and Email Address that you'd like associated with your Connect 365 account!

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