We Start Tomorrow!

(Watch The Video For A Quick Update From Josh)

Step 1

Add The Challenge Dates To your Calendar

Right now, before you forget, before life gets in the way, add all the challenge dates to your calendar by hitting the button below. 

You signed up for this for a reason and you owe it to yourself to follow through. 

Step 2

Text Message Thread Icon

Join The Private Challenge Community!

All of the training, Q&A, and prize giveaways will be going down in our private Facebook Group for the challenge. This will also be where you'll submit your daily hw to stay on tracking.

So what are you waiting for? Hit the button below to join the group and introduce yourself!

Step 3

Activate Your Trial Of The Perfect Prospects Leads System

This challenge is designed for us to work TOGETHER to build a list of perfect prospects for you and your business.

The Perfect Prospects leads system is an automated system that includes the tools that you’ll need to turn your list of prospects into paying clients almost completely on autopilot.


Day 1 - Monday, November 29

On day one you’ll get a short training on how to properly calculate the value of a single lead so you can properly set your growth goals.

Day 2 - Tuesday, November 30

On day two you’ll get brief instructions on how to dial in your efforts so that you only reach out to and attract prospects that are a PERFECT prospects for your business.

Day 3 - Wednesday, December 1

On day three you’ll get clarity on your sales and marketing KPI’s...so that you know exactly how many people you will need on your (small) list to reach your revenue goals. 

Day 4 - Thursday, December 2

On day 4 you’ll unlock the hidden list of qualified prospects hiding right under your nose

Day 5 -  Friday, December 3 at 1:00 P.M. Central (LIVE)

On day 5 you’ll discover 5 new strategies for developing a hyper-targeted list of quality prospects…AND how to monetize your new list of prospects and turn them into paying clients…

All without ANY AD SPEND or expensive tech.

Just know that this session is LIVE. So be sure to block it off on your calendar using the link on the onboarding page after registering!

What if I told you there was a way to automate 90% of the work of attracting new leads and sales appointments? And that it was simple, cost-effective, and proven to get results, even for small businesses? AND that it keeps to time tested, tactful, business and sales principles, designed to maintain the personal touch needed to quickly get your prospects to trust you and your business? I'm here to tell you that it IS possible and on this CHALLENGE my team and I are going to show you exactly how to do it.

– Josh Turner | CEO, Connect 365