New Bonuses Just Added!
Drive More Revenue And Grow Your Reach With A Simple System That Attracts Your Ideal Clients, Builds Your Authority, And Fills Your Calendar With Red-Hot Leads... Nearly All Automated.
You missed out!
You Won’t Believe What’s In This Bonus Package…
But You Gotta Check It Out Now Because This Opportunity Ends Soon.
This is THE best system for finding, attracting, and converting your ideal prospects. And now it just got even better…
We designed the Lead Generator 2.0 to get your message to the right people in a way that pulls them in instead of pushing them away. Because you don’t need to be loud enough for everyone to hear you.
You just need to connect with the right people and actually nurture relationships.
This is a full client acquisition system that guides you through every part of the process. It covers everything from finding prospects to nurturing them with personalized outreach. All so you can book more high-quality sales appointments in your calendar.
Here’s everything you’ll get with your test drive…
The Lead Generator 2.0 LIVE Course
[$5,000 Value]
You’ll get weekly live group calls with our expert team during your 1-month test drive where you’ll customize your new lead generation system... and discover EXACTLY what to do to attract more high-value prospects QUICKLY. And you get to keep the course / recordings forever. Yes, that means you are getting a premium course completely free.
Personal access to our implementation specialists and marketing coaches
[$3,000 Value]
Our expert team will hold open office hours during each week of your test drive. So you can ask questions, get personalized feedback on your campaigns… and hit your revenue goals much faster. This kind of personal support is unheard of!
Now…on top of all that, we’re going to give you a suite of automation tools and done-for-you services, so that implementing The Lead Generator 2.0 will take you almost no time!!
Implementation Bonus #1
[$2,400 Value]
You’ll get our acclaimed automation solution to send unlimited personal messaging campaigns. Using our Connect 365 software, you can automate most of the work. This will allow you to build relationships with your ideal prospects, and move them towards the sale… in as little as one hour per month.
It works by using personal touch points, but we discovered a way to automate it. Personal relationship building is how real businesses are built. And that’s what this solution will do for you.
Implementation Bonus #2
[$6,000 Value]
Our entire social media strategy, DONE FOR YOU. This includes 30 custom social media posts per month, written by my team of US-based writers. These posts will build brand awareness, grow your authority, and help you stay top-of-mind with your best prospects.
It’s an integral part of the Lead Generator 2.0 system, as it helps warm people up and get to know you, before you start talking business. When people already “know, like and trust” you, they are much more likely to say YES to hiring you. That’s what this does… and the Connect 365 team will do all of the work for you!
Implementation Bonus #3
[$500 Value]
Not only will we create all the content, but also our software will automatically post your content to your preferred social media channels at whatever timing and cadence you’d like.
So you can attract more ideal clients and stay top of mind, while barely lifting a finger. You won’t have to do a thing, and you’ll be generating leads like clockwork.
You also get the following bonus training from Friends of Connect 365!
To help you get even better results with The Lead Generator 2.0 we've asked some our smartest friends to include even more training.
Once you get your lead generator system up and running you'll now have all of the resources you need to completely customize your strategy using methods from some of the best online marketers and entrepreneurs in the world!
So when you join The Lead Generator 2.0 right now you also get...
"The art of offer craft" course
[$197 Value]
In this course from Mirasee Founder and CEO, Danny Iny, Learn a 5-step framework on how to make irresistible offers that increase your impact and revenue… even if you don’t have a big audience. Includes bonus templates for planning and scripting a high-converting online workshop, creating sales pages that get results, and scripts for guiding your sales conversations towards ethical and effortless success.
"Getting clients in Today's Market" Training
[$495 Value]
Exclusive training from Melinda Cohen and Coaches Console to help you amplify your networking efforts and start bringing in more clients. It’s called “How to Get More Clients in Today’s Market,” and it’s a 7-part series that includes proven networking strategies, conversation templates, and tools to help you grow your client base fast.
This is the perfect pairing to The Lead Generator 2.0. It will help you get more out of your networking and multiply the results you get from the Lead Generator 2.0. So you can build a consistent, predictable system to bring new clients into your coaching business.
"Grow and profit from your email subscribers" Course
[$247 Value]
In this course by business growth expert Ellen Finkelstein you’ll learn additional strategies on simple ways to grow your email list and the best ways to market your business to turn your emails subscribers into red hot leads.
This three part course is a fantastic add-on to the Lead Generator to get even better results from your automated lead system.
"Rhythm, soul & Rock 'N' Roll" From Perry Marshall
[$499 Value]
Perry Marshall reveals how YOU can write emails that get torn open, wolfed down and remembered like a first-kiss song. Over the course of three streaming video training modules, we’ll ask and answer why your emails struggle with you – and you with them – and how the struggle ends once and for all. Three video modules delivering 4 hours of instruction. Includes homework for each module.
"Marketing Mindset Made Easy" Training
[$500 Value]
You’ll also get Jeanna Gabellini’s “Marketing Mindset Made Easy” Course on how to upgrade your marketing mindset to get more revenue per customer without compromising your values. The Lead Generator will help you get leads and turn them into clients. This course will help you make the biggest impact for those clients while increasing their lifetime value!
"Fast Revenue Copywriting" Course
[$1,997 Value]
This course by one of the most innovative business coaches in the industry will teach you how to structure your email copy to build trust with your prospects and turn them into clients. I’ve known Rob for years now and his philosophy meshes very well with the systems that we teach inside of The Lead Generator 2.0.
"8 ways to get your dream partners to PROmote you" Course
[$1,000 Value]
An exclusive training course by personal branding expert Mark Lark on how to find and get joint venture partners to promote your business to their audience creating an entirely new way for you to get new leads and clients every month.
Get Started For $0!
Start A Test Drive Today And Get Full Access To The Lead Generator 2.0 Program, Automation Tools, And Coaching Through February 26, 2023!
You missed out!
After your no-risk trial, it's just $166 per month and you can cancel any time. No contracts or long term commitments. And you get to keep the course no matter what!
Why People love working with us!
Over $5,000,000 In Sales Over The Last 24 Months using This System
"I've generated over $5 million in sales over the last 24 months using
this system as my main tool to stay connected to clients and cold
prospects. I've been able to stay in front of my prospects in a much more
personal way and just focus on building relationships and sharing value
with my audience."
$600k In New contracts in 4 months
"I sell to executives at hospitals and health audience that
typically has long sales cycles. I knew that relationships were key from
my business and by following the system to build these relationships on
social media and email - I've generated over $600k in new contracts in
just the last 4 months."
GENE HICKS // Extraordinary Solutions
This program completely changed my life
"This system is so nice; it’s easy to bring on other people who can easily adopt the system. I have two people who help me with the day-to-day. My next hire is probably gonna be someone to help me with sales calls so I can stay focused on the big picture as I continue to grow." Billy signed 10 clients in his first 90 days.
BILLY FETZNER // Green Business Impact
The #1 Problem Small Businesses Face in 2023
It’s no secret that many businesses are struggling right now.
Not all, but many.
Especially coaches, consultants, agencies, and others who offer services to other businesses.
It’s hard for them to make enough revenue because the economy is driving many businesses to tighten their wallets and find ways to cut costs.
So these client-based providers have to work extra hard to find enough clients to keep their doors open. And since you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’ve probably felt it too.
If so, then keep reading because I’m going to show you how to solve this critical issue once and for all.
But first, we have to address the bad news.
Unfortunately, some businesses are going to keep struggling in this environment…
Unless they fix one major problem: finding enough qualified leads.
These days, it’s harder than ever to find prospective clients. Because people are bombarded with marketing and sales messages. The average person sees more than 5,000 marketing messages every day. So it’s tough to stand out from the crowd.
And this isn’t just a problem for big-name brands selling products and services directly to consumers. More and more businesses are shifting their lead generation online. That means our inboxes are full of pitches, connection requests, and meeting invitations.
Which makes it difficult to get a sales meeting with your ideal prospects, even if you have the perfect solution to fix their problems.
And this is especially true if you offer high-ticket services to busy business owners or executives.
So how do you break through all of the noise and stand out?
Most businesses are trying one of two things right now. They’re very different approaches, but they both have BIG problems.
First, many people are trying to get by on referrals and word of mouth alone. They don’t think they can compete with so many voices calling for attention, so they aren’t even trying. After all, referrals have worked for them up to this point… why try something different?
That’s a big mistake, though, because referrals can be unreliable and unpredictable.
Not only are you limited by someone else’s network, but you’re also at their mercy. So it’s a bit like playing roulette with your outreach… you never really know when your next prospect will come along.
That’s no way to grow a business.
The second thing people are trying is simply being louder and more repetitive than everyone else. They figure if they repeat their message often enough and loud enough, eventually the right person will hear them.
Ultimately, that approach doesn’t work, though. Especially if you sell higher-ticket offers. In fact, it’s more likely to PUSH AWAY your best prospects.
Why? Because it lacks the 3 things every good marketing approach must have.
I’ll tell you what those 3 things are in a second, but first let me quickly introduce myself, in case we haven’t met.
I’m Josh Turner, founder of Connect 365.
After building multiple 7-figure businesses from scratch, I discovered the hidden superpower to fast growth: having a predictable, reliable system to attract and convert prospects.
And it all comes down to those 3 elements I mentioned...
the 3 elements every marketing approach needs to be successful
Familiarity is essential because your prospects need to know who you are and what you can do for them. That means that you release content on a regular, consistent basis. So your prospects begin to associate your name with the outcomes you provide.
It isn’t enough just to be seen, though.
When companies just talk about themselves and their services, they become a part of the background noise. Which makes them easy to ignore.
Instead, you also have to make genuine, personal CONNECTIONS with your prospects.
It helps them feel noticed and understood, and it creates a bond between you. One that makes it easier for them to say yes to your offers.
And finally, you must build and maintain TRUST.
Without trust, prospects will never make the shift to become clients. So all of your outreach and marketing efforts should draw prospective clients closer to you. And they should never feel like they’ve been tricked or pressured into anything.
This is just one reason the loudest person in the room approach doesn’t work.
The Good News
The good news is that you don’t have to reach everyone. If you’re looking to create familiarity, connect, and trust you just need to get your message in front of your ideal prospects.
The BAD News
The bad news is that it can take a lot of time to find your ideal prospects. And it can take even more time to create familiarity, connection, and trust with those prospects.
Unless you have a way to automate most of the process for you, without sacrificing the human connections that make it all work.
The Solution
And that’s why we’ve created a system to get your message to the right people in a way that pulls them in instead of pushing them away. It allows you to be seen, grow connections, and strengthen trust.
So you’re the FIRST person your prospects think of when they’re ready to buy.
It’s called The Lead Generator 2.0.
Why People love working with us!
Zero to twenty clients in a few months
"The system has allowed me to build a sequence of campaigns that educate like-minded people to take action. I started with zero and I have about 20 new customers and 4 recommendations on partnering since beginning a few months ago. The Lead Generator has become a significant marketing arm of my organization, like a member of my staff."
DIANE WELLS // Non-Profit
79.5% open rate and 4 proposal submissions sent out from my last campaign!
"We're just getting started but after trying other methods, The Lead Generator has produced the fastest and most scalable results so far! I've tried several programs to generate leads and nothing comes close to Connect 365. The ease and simplicity is amazing! 79.5% open rate and 4 proposal submissions sent out from my last campaign.
Connect 365 delivers prospecting automation at scale that will help us monetize hundreds of contacts from our mailing lists. We will also use it to stay in touch with existing customers, industry conference follow-up, and more."
$24K In Client Contracts In Less Than 60 Days
“I currently have two active clients through your program just a couple months in. One has retained me on a 6-month program at $2500 monthly. My second client is a company I’m simply providing group coaching to on this system to start. They have paid an $11,000 upfront retainer for four months of Group Coaching.”
JIM MCHERRY // Business Coaching
The best money I've ever spent for my business
"My secret sauce is salt and pepper. That’s all you need to make a steak taste great. And for my campaigns, the salt and pepper is just sharing good, educational content (videos or blogs) with my ideal clients every 3-4 weeks.
Since starting with you guys a few months ago, I’ve closed 3 clients, with more on the way. With the clients I typically work with [business owners of companies doing $50M to $1B annual revenue], 4-5 new clients in a full calendar year is a great year.
This has been like a godsend–the best money I’ve ever spent for my business!
JOHN McAlister // The Beringer Group
The system that creates familiarity, connection, and trust with your prospects they can’t help but say YES to your offers!
To better explain how the system works, I want to share a little about how it all started.
During the last recession, I had just launched a new business, and I knew I had to get a steady stream of clients coming in fast. I had already watched two companies I worked for go out of business because they didn’t have a reliable prospecting system.
These companies had millions in revenue, and they had lasted years on the strength of their referrals alone. But when the economy shifted, and those referrals started drying up, they realized they were in trouble.
It wasn’t long before the cash flow problems started piling up, and they had to close their doors for good.
That’s why, when I started my own business, I worked hard to create a system that would help me find the right prospects fast.
One that would also help me nurture those relationships and build connections through trust.
After perfecting the system for my own business, we shared it with thousands of our clients. And they used these methods to keep their calendars full with sales appointments.
The best part is that we’ve created a way to automate most of these processes, without losing the personal touch that makes them so effective.
Now we want to give you a chance to test-drive this entire system for a full month.
So you can start generating hundreds of new prospects in just minutes per day.
Get A Steady Flow of Leads in Just Minutes Per Day...
The Lead Generator 2.0 is a full client acquisition system that guides you through every part of the process.
It covers everything from finding prospects to nurturing them with personalized outreach.
Allowing you to effortlessly book more high-quality sales appointments in your calendar.
And as part of a special, limited-time offer, you can get a FREE test-drive of the program, the software, and the done-for-you services that make the system work over and over again in very little time.
Here's how the test-drive will work...
First, we’re going to give you our full Lead Generator 2.0 course.
We’ll show you where to find more of your ideal prospects without wasting time on social media or at dead-end networking events. We’ll also share how you can connect with these prospects and stay top of mind. So you can build lasting relationships that grow your business.
We’re not simply giving you the information, though. We’re also taking you by the hand to show you how to create these campaigns for your business.
For the entire month of February, we’re hosting live weekly group calls with you. That’s where we’ll help you customize and implement the entire process into your business. You’ll get live support from the coaches on my team, so you can get your lead generation system up and running right away.
How to Know If The Lead Generator 2.0 Is Perfect for You
Unlike many lead generation systems,
The Lead Generator 2.0 is not specific to any industry or niche.
We’ve had clients from many different markets including real estate agents, marketing consultants, business advisors, coaches, IT firms, digital marketing agencies, and more!
As long as you sell your products and services over the phone, in meetings, in strategy sessions, on coaching calls, on sales calls, or anything similar, this system will help you find and convert more prospects.
So if you're...
If ANY of the above sound like you and your business, then the Lead Generator 2.0 is for you.
When you begin your test drive you’ll instantly get access to a combination of training, templates, and scripts that will help you create a complete system for attracting new clients.
This system combines effective messaging and software automation with personalized outreach, so you can develop valuable relationships that will increase your sales. That includes 30 custom social media posts and unlimited personalized email campaigns to ensure that you stay in touch with your highest-value prospects.
During your test drive, our coaches and experts will work with you to put these proven strategies in place for your business. We’ll help you get your own custom campaigns running quickly... so you can start generating leads right away.
And we’re going to start our live group coaching calls soon, so you’ll want to lock in your access now!
one last thing...
When you sign up, you’ll get instant access to our
breakthrough software.
However, the test drive goes until February 26, whether you start now or at the deadline (January 26 at Midnight PST). That means that the sooner you sign up, the longer you’ll be able to try out the system for free.
So there’s no reason to wait if you want to start building trust and generating leads for your business today.
This is hands-down the most comprehensive, effective system to attract, nurture, and convert prospects. And it works for just about any business, whether you’re just starting out or looking to scale to new heights this year.
We’ve never done an extended test drive like this before. And we may never offer this level of hands-on training and coaching again, at least not for no cost.
So don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to take control of your revenue and build lasting relationships with your prospects.
Get the Lead Generator 2.0 running in your business today and you’ll never again have to worry about where your next client is coming from ever again.
yes! I'm ready to join
The Lead Generator 2.0
create your Free account!
After your no-risk trial, it's just $166 per month and you can cancel any time. No contracts or long term commitments. And you get to keep the course no matter what!
THis offer DISAPPEARS in...
You missed out!
Offer Ends On Wednesday January 25th
At Midnight PST