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Unless Something Changes...
You Are 3x More Likely To Fail Than Your Top Competitors
I know this doesn't feel good to hear but it’s almost certainly true.
The Wharton School of Business conducted a study to determine the impact that a formalized referral program has on the growth of a business.
They found that companies with formalized referral programs experience 86% more revenue growth, compared to others over a two year period. Yet, only 30% of companies surveyed even have a formalized referral program.
And honestly, I was surprised to hear it’s even that high...because the vast majority of businesses I see out there...they don’t have a proactive referral system.
Many of your top competitors are likely in that top 30%. Meaning with the exact same amount of work, they’ll generate 86% more revenue than you.
If that doesn’t make you upset and realize that you gotta change something...then I don’t know what will. It’s a problem. Bigger than you might think.
Studies have found that referrals convert 30% better and have a 25% higher lifetime value than leads generated from other marketing channels.
Research firm Forrester did another study showing that 80% of all B2C and B2B purchases involved some form of word-of-mouth recommendation during the purchase cycle.
If you don't have a referral strategy, you may be instantly out of the running for 80% of businesses.
Now, you might be thinking, “But Josh… I get referrals without a formal referral program...what’s different?”
Sure you may get a referral here and there, but that’s just good fortune and not a real system, and certainly not scalable.
You have to be proactive, you have to build a network of partners who send referrals to you consistently, and nurture that network the right way.
Because look, 85% of businesses report that their best leads and clients come from REFERRALS and WORD OF MOUTH. Yet almost none of them have a system to proactively generate referrals.
I don’t think that’s right, and I want to change this right now...for YOU and for every small business that needs this system.
How Does Conenct 365 Help Small businesses get More Referrals?
Automated Outreach
Automated Personal Outreach and Follow Up To Build Relationships with Your Best Prospects:
Send personal emails in bulk that get 3x-5x higher open and engagement rates compared to big box email marketing tools like Mailchimp, Infusionsoft, and Constant Contact
Create automated outreach and nurture campaigns to stay in touch with your referral network for months (or years) without having to send out each message manually
Your outreach emails are sent directly from your email and are registered with email inboxes as personal emails. Meaning they get significantly better placement and engagement.
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you're going to love this
The Automated email tool the pros use
REady to take control?
REquest Access to Connect 365 and Get More Referals & Clients On AUtopilot!
Every minute you spend on "Shiny Objects" or some complicated sales funnel that won't work is another client who's getting scooped up by someone else.
My Revenue Doubled!
My revenue doubled after working with Josh Turner and the Connect 365 team. And it’s continued to double every year I’ve stuck with them.
I went from 100 clients to 212+ clients in just that first year. If you’re a small business and need clients, you’ve got to have a system like this in place.